Chapter 11: 3 weeks

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3 weeks left. Only three weeks until my meet. I'm feeling so much better since Tylers inspirational speech. It was honestly super inspiring.

Tyler is the best brother a girl could ask for, I think I like him better than myself. And that's a lot.

Andrew and I have been fantastic. The most we have done is made out. Some of you may call me prude or a wimp, but I apologize that I don't want to get it on with a guy during high school.
He is honestly the cutest thing though. I really think I'm falling for him. But he can't know that. If he knows that, then I lose, and I don't lose. I just have to wait for him to say it to me, so then I can say it to him after and still technically win.

Commence operation 'head over heels':
The next day at school I walk with Andrew in the hallway, hand and hands. "So I was thinking, why don't we go on a picnic to the park." I say to him.
"Okay, good idea."
"Since today's Friday, tonight?"
"Yah, so we can watch the stars."
He smiles and kisses me on the cheek, letting go of my hand and walking off to his class.
*sigh* tonight is going to be magical.

Later that night I'm dressed in a tight red dress. I've gotta wear something nice to provoke him to say stuff. I even put on a little extra perfume.

The doorbell rings and chills race through my spine.

"Hi." I say opening the door.
"Damn" he mumbles under his breath.
I giggle wrapping my arm in his as we head to the car. I'm looking down at my feet and I can feel his eyes looking at me. Why does this send butterflies through me? Why do I feel so good with him? He's a player, this isn't him, or is it?

Andrew opens the door for me and watches me get in. He bites his lip as he closes the door.

"I have a special location." He softly states.

"I would love to see it."

He puts the car in gear and heads off. The car ride if pretty much silent due to the fact he's still in awe. As he was driving down a dirt road he rests his hand on my thigh. I don't even notice, nor do I care. He wasn't going anywhere, just rubbing lightly.

"Close your eyes." He says at one moment on the road.

"Okay" I say giggling. My eyes were closed for maybe 5 minutes, but all I remember was him saying "open." And seeing the lights, lanterns and beautiful trees. I couldn't be more in love.

I look over at Andrew, "it's perfect."
He leads me over to the blanket and sits me down.
"I have sandwiches, strawberries, pita chips, and brownies. " he says opening the basket and passing me a sandwich.

"What gave you the idea to have a picnic tonight?" He asks taking a bite of his sandwich.

"I missed you, and we hadn't gone anywhere in a while, so why not nature. So peaceful & beautiful.

He looks over at me. 'Like you' I think.

"Like you." he says.
I blush not even knowing how to respond. I was speechless. Except for the words "thank you."

We finish off the lasts of the strawberries and lay on the blanket looking at the stars.
"The stars," he begins to say. "They remind me of billions of pieces of glitter spilled all over a counter. Count them."

"Count the stars?" I ask confused looking over at him.

"Yes, count them."

"There are too many."

Infinite, that's how much I.. I..." Andrew is stuck on his words.

I prop myself on my elbow so my head and some of my top half is hovering over his and I kiss him.

It's the same passionate kiss we shared in the hallway. Sparks were flying and it was gentle, yet passionate. I pull away and lay back down.

"Yah?" I say turning my head to meet his.

Andrew presses his lips against mine, moving his lips in sync. That sly dog. He props up on his elbow like I was before and deepens the kiss.

"Say it." I say
Andrew looks at me. He knows what I mean, but he's lost in thought.
"Do I really have to?" He says kissing me again, this time slipping his tongue in making the kiss more intense. Andrew positions his other elbow on the other side of my head now, so he's completely hovering over me.

"How dare you wear this dress."
"Why?" I smirk.
"You're turning me on so much, but I can't do anything."
He respects me.
Now it's my turn.
I put my hand in his hair and pull his lips to mine. His hands move to my shoulders, slowly slipping the straps down my shoulders. He breaks the kiss and looks at me reassuringly. I'm hesitant, but I allow him. My bra is now revealed, out in the open. It's never been like this before. Andrew continues kissing me, but his lips drift down my neck, as his hands move to my chest. He touches one of them. I freeze and he feels me tense up.

"I'm sorry, it's just new."
"We don't have to if you don't have to if you don't want to."
"No, well I do! I really do, but I don't think I'm ready."
He kisses me once more on the lips "then we won't, it's okay." He smiles. As we pack up the blanket it say "thank you. "
"For what?"

"You admitted you are falling for me."

"You did too, so thank you." He states back

"Not until after you told me."

He looks at me confused.

" I never said it." He replies

"Yes you did. You said 'do I really have to' and then made out with me, so I won."

"You won?"

"I won our bet to see who would fall for who first. You thought I was going to fall for you first."

"Is that what all of this was about?" I can tell he's a little frustrated.

"No, i just wanted to see how you felt."

"So it was all about me saying it first and you 'winning'?" His frustration growing.

"No-" he cuts me off

" i thought it wouldn't matter who said it first, and either way, we both received the same prize, each other."


"No," he interrupts. "Just get in the car and let's go."

The car ride is completely silent. I was so grateful to reach my house. I was about to get about but Andrew started speaking again.

" I actually really fell for you. I thought that was already clear and didn't need to be stated. But all that mattered to you was winning. Look who's the player now."

I'm hurt. I know I shouldn't have used him like that, but I'm falling for him too, I just couldn't be the first to say it.

"Andrew, I'm sorry! Okay? I know I shouldn't have used you like that. By the truth is, I'm in love with you!" The words just spill out and I can't stop them. "Yup, I love you. But I couldn't be the first to say it because i thought you were using me. The moment I know you felt the same way I was so relieved and I had never loved you more." I'm basically scream crying at this point. Tears were rolling down and I couldn't control anything. " I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, I'm head over heals for you."

Authors note: that chapter was longer. What did you think? I hope you liked it! Left you on a bit of a cliff hanger.
~what happens next?
~what did you think of this chap.?
~what needs improving?
~ what should I have more/less of?
Answer those in comments if you want!
Read on lovelies!

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