21: Wolfsbane

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                The bed was empty beside me when my eyelids finally fluttered open in the morning. I had been awakened by the sound of angry voices. It was as if someone was yelling, but also trying to keep their voice down so they wouldn't wake me. Lying there, I couldn't really make out any specific words, but clearly there was someone very upset in the other room. Wrapping a sheet around me, toga style, I made my way towards the hushed argument.

"I'm sorry Alpha I don't know what else to tell you, blood doesn't lie," The doctor from last night sounded frustrated as she pleaded with Dmitri. "What else would you have me do?"

The answer was barely even words, sounding more animal than human. "Then test it again! All of it!"

"What's wrong with me?" The pair of them turned towards me, both trying to mask their true emotions.

"How long have you been up?" His voice was gentle and soothing, nothing of the primal growl he'd used with the doctor. "Are you hungry? You can head over to Sophie's rooms if you like, I'll be there-"

"What's wrong with me Dmitri?" I repeated louder, interrupting him and giving the doctor a slight shock. Stepping further into the room I aimed the question at her this time, "What is wrong with me?"

She looked to Dmitri for permission, continuing only after he gave her a curt nod. "We don't know exactly," she wrung her fingers, "as far as I can tell you're a completely healthy female lycan. There doesn't seem to be a reason for your feinting spell or your fever yesterday. How are you feeling this morning?"

I felt the heat rise in my cheeks as she looked me over. I could only imagine what I looked like after last night, and I was standing there in nothing but a sheet. "I feel ok I guess," I shrugged. I was a little sore between my legs, and I was definitely hungry and a little tired, but I felt fine.

She nodded, but pressed her lips tightly together as Dmitri stared her down. Bowing her head she addressed him, "If I may Alpha, I'd like to draw new samples and have them tested later today." There was a long uncomfortable silence until he nodded. "I will go prepare for the necessary arrangements then." She was quick to turn on her heel and rush out the doors.

"If I'm ok, why do you seem so upset?" His face relaxed, smoothing away the angry lines.

"Nothing to worry yourself about little one," stepping close and pulling me into his arms, he placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "I would just like the doctor to take another look over you today, just to be safe." His fingers hooked into the top of my makeshift toga, "In fact, I wouldn't mind a quick look as well." He tugged at the sheet playfully. "But it's already too late in the morning, and I don't want to upset Sophie by being late to breakfast again."

"I suppose I'll have to pilfer some of your clothes again if don't want to show up naked," I teased. Was I flirting?

A wicked smile spread across his lips as he wiggled his eyebrows, "Is that right?" He grabbed for me, just missing as I darted back into the bedroom. He leaned against the door watching as I dug out a fresh tee shirt and a pair of boxer shorts to replace my sheet. "How will I get anything done today, if I have to think of you in such a scintillating outfit?"

Before I thought better of it, I dropped the sheet on the floor and let him watch me pull the shirt on, making sure he could see the clamps still on my nipples. "You'll be fine, I'm sure," I stepped into the shorts and pulled them up. I pushed past him to get into the bathroom to at least brush out my hair and pull it up into a messy bun.

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