34: Mixed Company

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                We were getting ready to hop back onto the motorcycle, loosely wrapped in each other's arms when I recognized a high pitched squeal. The look on Dmitri's face told me that he hadn't thought of the possibility that we might run into someone who know me. I turned in his arms towards the sound, dreading the encounter.

"Lexi? Oh my god! It is you! Your parents said you had taken an internship out of town, I can't believe you came home and didn't even call us." She headed right for us with her long time on-again-off-again boyfriend Erik.

"Chill out Mel, and give our girl a chance to get a word in." Erik cocked his head and gave me a good long look, "Damn, Lex, looking good."

I barely heard the growl in Dmitri's throat before I launched into making introductions, "This is Melissa and her boyfriend Erik, we all went to school together. This is Dmitri Volkov, my..." I didn't know how to explain who he was to me. I couldn't call him my mate, and possible future baby daddy was more information than I was willing to share.

"Boyfriend," Dmitri finished for me as he wrapped an arm around my waist possessively, "although we haven't really talked about labels much." He gave them his most charming smile.

"Volkov?" Erik's eyes went wide, "Doesn't your family own like over half the county?"

"We own a lot of property, yes," Dmitri agreed politely.

Mel gave him a flirty smile and a hair flip, "What brings a sexy dream boat like you over our quaint little side of town and with our sweet little Lexi on your arm too?" She turned her attention to me and whispered as if everyone couldn't hear her, "Do your parents know you're out alone with a boy?"

I rolled my eyes at her, but Dmitri chuckled and answered for me, "Mr. and Mrs. Lykos have given their blessing. I know Alexandria and her family from way back before grade school." He leaned in closer to me and whispered loud enough for them to hear, "Why in the world do they think a little pit viper like you is sweet?"

"Guess you haven't kissed her yet," Erik gave me a wink, earning an elbow to the ribs from Mel. The distraction kept them from seeing the shadow dance across Dmitri's eyes.

"We were just heading out," I interjected, starting to worry about having an over possessive Alpha in the same space as two people who knew every rule that I'd ever broken over the years.

Mel frowned, "Your parents still have you on a curfew? I feel like we haven't had seen you in ages."

"It's been less than 3 weeks you drama queen," I gave her a big smile, "and I'll probably just go home with Dimi, since I don't live at home anymore." The shock on her face made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"My bad," Erik grinned, "guess you got her to do more than kiss. You have any idea how many guys would give their left nut to get in this girls pants?"

I was surprised to hear Dmitri laugh with him, "I did still have both of my nuts last time your checked, right," he grinned down at me as I felt my face get red. I gave him a noncommittal shrug, making Erik laugh louder. "Maybe we should go home so you can check again instead of staying out."

I glared up at him, "You know damn well that both of your balls are intact, but they may not be tomorrow."

"What'd I tell you," he grinned at the two of them, "pit viper!" He tucked a hand under my chin and tilted up my face to give me firm kiss.

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