66: Dark & Twisted Delights

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                I feel asleep with a sense of serenity I'd never felt before. Waking now and stretching my arms, I can't help but worry if I'd dreamt it. Blue eyes, not black pools when he said he loved me. I jerked upright when my hand found only empty space beside me. 'Dmitri?' I tried to picture his face as I reached my thoughts out to him.

Relief settled over me like a warm blanket, 'Welcome back to the land of the living, Princess.' I could feel his relief as well, 'You looked so peaceful. I didn't want to disturb you. I'll wrap things up here and be up in a few minutes.' I settled back into the pillows, feeling like I could float up to the ceiling at any moment.

"I don't think I've ever seen you look so content," his adoration washed over me, with a tinge of jealousy.

My cheeks hurt from smiling so big, "You love me," butterflies swirled in my stomach as he looked down at me.

He frowned, "Have I really made you question that?"

I climbed up on my knees, letting the covers slide down, exposing my bare skin. "I was worried that knowing the truth of who and what I am would change the way you feel." His hands slid around my waste to squeeze my bottom as I leaned into his chest, "But we made the decision to act as a mated pair, and I wanted you to know all of me."

"And my wolf as well it seems," he teased with a squeeze of a cheek, but there was that tinge of jealousy again.

I sighed, "Did you not enjoy the show?" He frowned. "You were there as much as he was," I slid my arms up around his neck, "something you might need to keep in mind tonight." I couldn't tell if it was his guilt or mine.

"About that," he pulled back slightly, "you haven't explained what happens at midnight."

I squirmed a bit in his embrace, "At midnight she'll test you in some way," I had to pause and swallow the lump forming in my throat, "Sometimes I can't tell if she just wants a chance to fuck you, or if she's trying to find a reason to punish you still because of your ancestor, or me for forcing her to lift that ridiculous curse."

"Why would you agree to something like that?" his body tensed up.

My voice sounded small, "It could be the cost of wearing your mark..."

His lips crashed into mine. In a flash I was on my back and he was on me, his kiss so deep it sucked the breath from me. I pushed hard on his shoulders, "Stop," he stilled, looking down curiously. "I don't know what she's planning."

"What's the worst she could ask for?" his own suspicion echoed my thoughts.

I shrugged beneath him, "I couldn't guess if I wanted too, and I'm sure if we do convince her, the mark will be superficial at best, but it would show the world that I am yours."

"You'll never be mine," he gave me a light kiss; "you can never belong to anyone." Oh, no, was he changing his mind about everything we'd decided the day before? "Is this what you want, what you really want?"

"I want the world to know that I chose you. I want you, and I want to work with you to take care of your pack."

"You want me to be disloyal to you just to keep up appearances," he was hurt.

I ran my fingers through his hair. "She is me, just as much as your wolf is you. If you let yourself feel like you're being unfaithful to me in any way, she'll win." He stared at me, unsure. "You're family's curse began because she'd been rejected as a lover for a mate. You were so adamant that you are mine; I'm sure she sees it as a challenge now to get what she came for so long ago. I am quite literally a fragment of her. I'm almost certain that she'll make sure I'm conscious of the whole thing, just like you were earlier." I blushed as he licked his lips. "It'll still be me, just a little different," was I trying to convince myself or him?

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