58: Cards on the Table

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                I waited for Sophie to close the doors behind her, before I headed off to find an unoccupied room. "We need to finish our talk, if you don't mind." I nearly had a heart attack when I heard his voice beside my ear. I hadn't even heard him leave his parents' suite, the sneaky bastard.

"No. It's late and I'm tired," I complained, turning to face his bright blue eyes. "You'll either have to hope you can fall asleep and dream with me still or wait until morning, Dmitri." I stepped aside to put some space between us.

"This can't wait," he pivoted with me, leaving the gap between us, but also stepping in the way so that I couldn't just pass him. He opened the doors to his own suite. "After you," he gestured to the room beyond.

I stood there staring into the dark room as I debated with myself about what to do next. It felt like I was about to cross a line one way or the other, and yet no matter what choice I made, I knew that the conversation he wanted to have was going to take place tonight, one way or the other. There was no input from my other half either. I could still feel her, but it was like a lifeline to somewhere distant, and he was staring at me expectantly right here and now.

With a deep breath, I forced my feet to move, choice made, line crossed. At least in person I could command him to stop. At least I hoped that was the case. I should've asked so many more questions before I promised her I'd stay.

He flipped on the light behind me, before closing the door behind us. It looked like he'd finally allowed someone to come in and clean up; some of furniture had even been replaced. It didn't matter though, as I stood there, wearing only a sheet, I wasn't going to let myself sit down where I could be easily overpowered. I wasn't his prey anymore. I squared off my shoulders, and stared into his eyes as he moved further into the room. "Say whatever it is that you need to say, Dmitri. I'm really not in the mood for anymore of your games."

He stopped walking, and tilted his head to the side, arching an eyebrow. After a long pause, he straightened up and mirrored my stance, "My games? Why does it always feel like you assume the worst of me?"

I choked back a laugh, "Are you serious? Do we not have the same memories of how we ended up where we are now?" He didn't answer, "You showed up in the middle of the night, burned my old life down to ash. You tried to seduce me, just to run away when you found out I was more than you bargained for. Then you came back to pursue me. As soon as I accept it all, you abandoned me without an explanation." He winced at the harshness in my tone. "How could I not assume the worst from you at this point?"

He just stood there, staring at me. "Damn it Dmitri! Say something! Anything," I screamed at him.

"You've burned my world to ash too;" he stepped closer, "the difference between us is at least I know the damage I've caused. I wish I could ignore it all and treat it like it meant nothing at all as easily as you do."

"I didn't abandon you," I shot back. "You were the one that walked away like it didn't mean a damn thing as soon as you found out that I wasn't tied up with a neat little bow for you anymore."

"I told you that I don't have any right to you anymore!"

"You're like a broken record!" I pushed myself up on my toes to look him square in the eyes, "Even when you stand to lose everything you hold dear, you still won't change! You can't be completely honest with anyone, so I'm not surprised that you can't be honest with yourself either. Now it's too late, I give up! Why won't you just let me go?"

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