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How could this moment in our lives come around so quickly?

   It still feels like only yesterday since we returned home from Egypt after defeating DIO. Tomorrow was the day I had to say good-bye to Jotaro and Nori before they head off to college.

   Jotaro was off to some college in America to study Marine Biology, and Nori was going to a college in Tokyo to undergo his studies in Art. I, however, had nowhere to go in terms of going to college. I didn't know what I wanted to do when it came to deciding on a career, it's not something I thought about, especially since sustaining the injuries from my fight with DIO that left me in a wheelchair for God knows how long. Though my wounds had healed significantly, the scars from my wounds and surgical procedures remained. A painful reminder of what happened that night in Cairo.

   "Y/N? Are you okay? You're spacing out again," said Nori as he waved a hand in front of my face to get my attention.

   I blinked a couple of times and looked at the redhead. "Huh? Oh, sorry," I mumbled as I shifted on Jotaro's futon.

   The three of us had decided to spend our final night together before Jotaro and Nori had to leave for college in the morning.

   "Are you still thinking about what we spoke about?" Jotaro asked as he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap.

   I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about our discussion from the other day.

   We decided on putting our relationship on hold for the time being – at least while Jotaro and Nori were at college. The three of us weren't keen on having a long distance relationship and came to the agreement that we would resume dating once they had graduated from college. It pained me that things had to be this way, but it would be even more painful not being able to see them.

   That's why we were at Jotaro's on their last night here. We wanted to spend one more night together – our last night together for a long time.

   "She is. I can see it in her eyes." Nori frowned.

   I let out a sigh and shifted in Jotaro's lap to nuzzle my face into his muscular chest. "I'm sorry," I mumbled against the delinquent's chest.

   I felt Jotaro take a deep breath and wrap his arms around me. "Don't be sorry," he said and planted a kiss on the top of my head.

   Nori placed his hand on my knee which made me turn my head slightly to look at him. "You know it's not because we don't want to be with you. Jotaro's going to be on the other side of the world, so it's going to be unlikely he'll be coming home every time he's off from college. I'm going to be in Tokyo and it's likely I'm going to be swamped with assignments, so won't have much time to come back home for a few days every time I'm on break from college. It wouldn't be fair on you to keep you waiting for us. But I can promise you, as soon as I'm able to get home, I will." The redhead smiled softly at me.

   "The same goes for me. As soon as I'm able to get on that plane home, I will," Jotaro added.

   I nodded slowly and sat myself up in Jotaro's lap. "I'm still going to miss you both though."

   "And we'll miss you too, right, Jotaro?"

   Jotaro hummed and nodded in agreement.

   "But enough of that, we've still got tonight together. So, let's make this a night to remember, shall we?" A devilish smirk grew on Nori's face as he leaned forward to capture my lips with his.

That night went by so fast, and it certainly was a night to remember. It was also a painful reminder because it was a night that promises were made, but never kept.

The Stars That Guide Us: A New Adventure - A TSTGU NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now