【Chapter 6】

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"Charge at me again!" Scarlet Phantom ordered.

Whilst Scarlet Phantom went through combat techniques with Jairo and Elo, Polnareff and I set up camp and got a small campfire going. Now, we were both perched on a tree stump watching the combat training unfold.

"Do you think she's being hard on poor Jairo?" Polnareff asked, keeping his eyes on the red-haired Stand and her trainees.

"You know what Scar's like. She's a strict Stand and won't take shit," I said with a slight giggle.

"Sounds like someone else I know." Polnareff glanced at me, a smirk creeping on his face.

"Hey!" I playfully growled and gave him a gentle nudge. "I'm nothing like Scarlet Phantom. If anything, I'm the watered down version of her."

Polnareff chuffed through his nose. "Like I believe that. Stands are like their users, they reflect their personalities, and Scarlet Phantom is definitely the reflection of your personality."

"She is not!" I pouted and folded my arms over my chest.

"Whatever you say, Y/N. But you and I both know that I'm right." The Frenchman chuckled softly. "Anyway, changing the subject. Were you okay last night? Scarlet Phantom went into the bathroom after you and didn't come back out for a while."

I choked on air when he mentioned last night. "I'm fine! I mean, I was fine last night! Nothing to worry about at all!" I laughed innocently and rubbed the back of my neck.

"You sure? You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" He said in a reassuring tone.

I looked down at the ground and let out a gentle sigh. "It was nothing, really. Just some... Girl stuff... That's all."

I felt Polnareff's eyes on me whilst I continued to look down at the ground. I felt him shuffle beside me before I caught a glimpse of him standing up from the corner of my eye.

"If that's all it was, then I won't press you any further on the matter. Just don't forget what I said to you, okay?"

I looked up and my gaze met Polnareff's crystal blue eyes, instantly making my stomach do a somersault and the heat to rise to my cheeks as Scarlet Phantom's voice echoed in my head from last night. "You might keep telling yourself that it's not time to move on, but your heart says differently... What I'm trying to say is because of what Polnareff has done, it's caused you to feel something towards him. You appreciate him coming to Japan and whisking you away halfway around the world on a new adventure, something that Jotaro and Kakyoin lacked in doing... Those feelings for Polnareff may grow stronger..."

I let out a soft sigh and nodded slowly. "Okay."

Polnareff smiled warmly at me and took a step away. Without thinking, I quickly got up to my feet and asked, "Why?"

The Frenchman turned back to face me and gave me a confused look. "Huh?"

"Why travel all the way to Japan just to respond to my letter? Why did you decide that now was the time to whisk me away halfway around the world for a new adventure?"

Polnareff blinked a couple of times and closed the gap between us, so our bodies were less than a few inches apart. "We made that agreement back at the airport 5 years ago, remember? As for travelling all the way to Japan to give you my response to your letter... I... I honestly don't know... I guess reading the part of your letter where you said you hadn't heard from Jotaro and Kakyoin since they left for college and you felt lonely because of that made me want to surprise you and remind you that you're not alone," he explained.

The Stars That Guide Us: A New Adventure - A TSTGU NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now