【Bonus Chapter】

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"Kakyoin, pack your bags, we're heading out," Jotaro said as he walked through the front door and into the lounge.

   I looked up from my book with a raised eyebrow and sighed. "Nice to see you too, Jotaro." I closed my book and stood up from the couch. "What's going on?"

   "The Speedwagon Foundation are sending us on a mission to track down some criminals that are Stand users," he summarised as he turned on his heel and walked out of the lounge to go upstairs to our room.

   I followed him into our room and watched him grab our suitcases from the top of our wardrobes and placed them on the bed. "What about Jolyne? Surely we can't take her with us," I pointed out.

   "My mom has said she'll have Jolyne for us," he said as he turned to face his wardrobe, open it and pull out some of his shirts.

   "Okay. Next question; where exactly is it we're going?"

   "We're heading to a town called Morioh."

   I started at Jotaro for a moment, then blinked. "Morioh?"

   Jotaro looked up at me from folding his shirts up and raised an eyebrow. "Is something wrong?"

   I let out a soft sigh and looked over at a framed photograph on my bedside table. It was the photograph that was taken of Jotaro, Y/N and I when we had arrived in Egypt all those years ago. After we got home, Y/N made copies of that photograph for us all to have.

   Ever since Jotaro and I left for college, that very photograph is the one thing I looked at every single night. I was so looking forward to coming home after college to see Jotaro and Y/N once more, but on my return, only Jotaro was there to greet me. Y/N was no where to be seen.

   When I asked my mom and dad about Y/N's whereabouts, all they were able to tell me was that she had gone travelling and they didn't know when she would be coming back. My heart sank at the news of Y/N's departure, and it made me regret not getting in touch with her sooner, but I was so busy with college work, I never took the time to write her any letters.

   "Kakyoin?" Jotaro's voice tore me away from my thoughts, and I looked away from the photograph, meeting his ocean blue gaze. "What's wrong?" He asked again.

   "Morioh... That's where Y/N and I grew up together," I said as I looked down at my feet.

   Jotaro exhaled slowly and walked over to me. Once he was in front of me, he curled a finger under my chin and tilted my head to up to make me meet his gaze once more.

   "Do you want me to call off the mission?" He asked.

   "Of course not! We're the only Stand users that are able to do this mission. I just... I just never thought I would go back there..."

   "And why's that?"

   "We left there when Y/N's parents died because my parents didn't want Y/N to have that constant reminder that her parents were no longer here. I think it was also for my own sanity as well as hers because they were like a second mom and dad to me," I explained, then added with a sigh, "their grave must be in ruins..."

   Jotaro gave me a sympathetic look, and said, "If it makes you feel better, we'll go and pay a visit to the grave, put some flowers down and if necessary, tidy it up a bit. And if you need some time alone at their graveside to tell them about Y/N, then that's also okay."

   I nodded slowly and glanced back at the photograph from the corner of my eye. "Do you think she could have gone back there? Is that why she said she was travelling? To make an excuse to go back home because she felt lonely?"

   Jotaro looked over his shoulder at the photograph and returned his gaze to mine. "I don't know, Kakyoin. If it was somewhere that would cause Y/N hurt, then I very much doubt it. So I wouldn't build your hopes up on seeing her there if that's what you're thinking."

   I frowned in response. "I can still hope though, can't I? I just wish I could see her again. To see her smile, to hear her laugh, to hold her in my arms again. Is that too much to ask?"

   Jotaro wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. "I know, Kakyoin. Trust me, I wish the same as well."

   "You do?"

   "Of course I do. She was our girlfriend for goodness sake. I would do anything to have her back in our lives again, so we could go back to the way things were."

   I smiled into his chest before pulling away from his embrace and looking down at the gold wedding band on my ring finger. "I'm sure if fate allows it, we'll see her again."

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