【Chapter 3】

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After spending a few days in Cairo with Avdol and Iggy, Polnareff and I set off on the next leg of our journey – Germany – to try and locate the travelling fortune-teller, Rita, who we believed would be able to help us out with finding the Stand Arrows.

We landed in Munich, Germany and it was morning when we arrived.

Standing outside the airport, we looked over a map of Germany to decide on where we should head to first.

"Did Avdol say whereabouts in Germany this Rita person would be?" Polnareff asked.

I shook my head. "No. All he said was last thing he heard was that she was in Germany, so she may not even be here now."

Polnareff let out an irritated sigh and folded the map up. "Well, it looks like we'll just have to make our way through Germany and see if we can find out any more information about this travelling fortune-teller."

"Avdol mentioned she was a Stand user. Scarlet Phantom might be able to track her down by sensing her Stand energy," I suggested.

Polnareff looked at me and grinned. "Why didn't we think of that before! That's a great idea!"

Scarlet Phantom materialized beside me and said, "It's not guaranteed that'll I'll be able to track down just her. I'm only able to sense a Stand's energy, not who it belongs to, so it's likely that we will end up running into a Stand user that isn't her."

Polnareff's grinned turned into a frown. "Are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm not. I'm a Stand, not some friggin' sniffer dog," she growled.

I chewed the inside of my cheek and thought for a moment whilst the Stand and Frenchman bickered before speaking up. "I think I might have it."

Scarlet Phantom and Polnareff stopped arguing and looked at me. "What is it?" They asked in unison.

"We might actually have a trail to follow. Avdol said that Rita is a travelling fortune-teller, correct?"

"What's that got to do with finding her? That's all we know about her, and she could be anywhere," Scarlet Phantom pointed out.

"That may be so but think about it for a moment. She's a fortune-teller, and she travels."

"Yes, Y/N, we've established that already..." The red-haired Stand rolled her eyes.

"Will you just let me finish." I frowned at her and looked back at Polnareff. "I've heard before that carnivals tend to have travelling merchants go there, so maybe Rita could be going to carnivals to do her fortune-telling," I suggested.

"That is a possibility," Polnareff hummed in thought. "But where exactly can we find out about a carnival being held?"

"That's something we can ask around about as we travel through Germany. If there's any carnivals going on, we can head there and try to find Rita or if she was there, where she's moved onto next," I concluded.

"So then once we've found a carnival, we can just go through each one until we find her. That's great, Y/N!" Polnareff cheered. "Let's get a move on. We'll make our way to Eching and stay there for the night. Once we have booked a hotel room, we'll go and look around for anything that advertises a carnival."

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go."

We arrived in Eching an hour after landing in Munich and found a hotel to spend the night.

As we entered the hotel, we were greeted to a hotel lobby bustling with people. It was that busy, we had to weave our way through the crowd to get to the reception desk.

The Stars That Guide Us: A New Adventure - A TSTGU NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now