🍋【Chapter 16】🍋

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Warning: This chapter is a spicy chapter. If you're under the age of 18 or are uncomfortable reading smut, please skip this chapter as this does not affect the storyline. If you're of the appropriate age, you're in for one hell of a ride, enjoy!

Polnareff gently set me down on my back on the bed and crawled on top of me, peppering kisses along my shoulders, neck and jaw before capturing my lips with his once more.

   His left hand slithered down my side and up my dress, sending goosebumps up my arms, and making my stomach do somersaults.

   My let out a soft gasp as I felt his hand cup my breast and roll it in his hand, making me arch up against him.

   He pulled away from the kiss and pulled me up into a sitting position before peeling my dress off my body, leaving me in only my bra and panties. He discarded my dress to the side and lunged for my neck with a low growl, attacking the soft flesh with gentle bites which made me whimper, aching for more of his touch.

   Polnareff's hands slithered round to my back and unclasped my bra. His lips detached from my skin and he pulled my bra off. The Frenchman hissed through his teeth as he looked down at my breasts.

   "You're so beautiful, ma chérie," he complimented as he leaned down and planted gentle kisses along my left breast, and doing the same to the right before going back to my left breast and taking my nipple in his mouth. As his tongue swirled around my sensitive bud, he toyed with my other nipple between his thumb and finger.

   He glanced up at me and let out a soft groan before pulling away from my breast and coming back up to kiss me as his hands roamed my body.

   I placed my hands on his muscular chest and slowly slid them down to the hem of his shirt before pulling it off of him and throwing it to the side. I pushed myself back up into a sitting position and grabbed the Frenchman by the shoulders swapping positions with him so I was now on top of him. I gently pushed him backwards into the bed and started attacking his neck with gentle bites and kisses, slowly working my way down his body until I had reached the top of his pants. I briskly unbuttoned his pants and pulled the zipper down as Polnareff lifted his hips to allow me to pull his pants and boxers down.

   My stomach did a somersault as soon as I laid eyes on his rock hard erection that stood up to about a good 7-inches.

   I took the base of his cock in my hand and ran my tongue across the tip, earning a hiss from the Frenchman as his threw his head back onto the bed. I flicked my tongue against the tip once more and he bucked his hips up in response, his hand reaching down to my head and gripping onto my hair. I looked up at him through my eyelashes to meet his blue lust filled gaze as I started to drag my tongue up the shaft, all the way up to the tip before taking him into my mouth.

   I let out a soft hum against his cock as I felt the saltiness of his precum on my tongue, and in turn, Polnareff let out a low moan.

   "Come here, ma chérie. I can't leave you going without anything," he said as he pulled me up his body, then added, "it wouldn't be fair if I finished before you, as much as I loved having you go down on me."

   I felt my cheeks heat up, and before I could respond I was lying on my back once more with the Frenchman above me.

   Like I did with Polnareff, he slowly started kissing down my body, all the way down to in between my legs. Instead of taking off my panties, he trailed kisses up and down my left thigh, gently brushing his nose along my heat as he moved over to my other thigh and repeated the process, only making me want him either more.

   He knew exactly what he was doing to me, and the more I whimpered at his touches getting closer to my clothed hole, the more he wanted to tease me.

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