【Chapter 19】

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A little over a week after setting off for Copenhagen, we finally arrived outside the airport.

   The airport was busy - like most of the other airports we had been to - with people coming and going to and from their destinations. As of today, we would be one of those people that are going to our next destination.

   "Time to find out where this bastard has gone," Polnareff said as he jumped from the carriage and started to make his way to the entrance of the airport.

   I glanced over at Rita and she gave me a curt nod before we climbed off the carriage and followed Polnareff inside.

   Once we got into the airport, we were greeted to a board above us showing us all the flights that were scheduled and what terminals and gates were assigned for each flight.

   "Where the heck are we supposed to start? There's so many flights," Polnareff said, looking somewhat defeated.

   "The board isn't what we're following, remember," I said, stepping forward with Scarlet Phantom materialising beside me. "If this person has the arrow, Scarlet Phantom should be able to trace it, and from there we can see what gate he went through."

   "There's no way he would have gotten through security with that arrow, so who's to say he's got rid of it?" The Frenchman pointed out.

   "If that were the case, we would have picked up on it by now, and I'm definitely sensing the presence of the arrow," Scarlet Phantom said, then added, "it's so much stronger than that small piece of the arrow we found in Egypt."

   "We're definitely on the right track then," Rita said. "Lead the way, Scar."

   Scarlet Phantom nodded and turned in the direction where she could sense the energy of the Stand Arrow before following the trail of energy it left behind with us following the Stand.

   As we walked further into the airport, I started to feel a headache coming on. Eventually the headache became a constant thump against my head, causing my vision to get blurred. As soon as it got too much for me, I stopped walking and called my Stand over.

   Scarlet Phantom stopped following the trail and looked at me.

   "What's wrong, Y/N?" Polnareff asked with concern laced in his voice.

   "I don't know. I've felt this before." I swallowed the bile building up in my throat from the intense pain of the headache and reached into the back pocket of my jeans for the tarot card that Rita gave me. "I think it might be a vision."

   Scarlet Phantom looked at the tarot card in my hand and walked towards me. "I was thinking the same. It's as if there something inside my head trying to tell me something, but it just can't get the words out. It's different from the previous visions we've experienced, normally they would just happen," she explained.

   "Take the card, Scar. This could be it," Rita said, nodding towards the tarot card in my hand.

   Scarlet Phantom nodded and reached out for the card. The second her fingertips made contact with it, everything went dark.

I opened my eyes and found myself standing at the entrance to the airport, with the board showing the scheduled flights above my head, only this time, there was something different about the board.

   Instead of showing all the different flights, there was only one destination repeated on every single line of the board.


"No way," I gasped, feeling slightly disappointed that the card Rita had pulled wasn't an indication to seeing Jotaro and Nori again, but in fact, my return to Morioh.

The Stars That Guide Us: A New Adventure - A TSTGU NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now