【Chapter 2】

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It was five in the evening when our plane had landed in Cairo.

   The moment we stepped into the terminal; I heard a dog barking. I looked around for the source of the barking, and it wasn't until a little black and white dog pounced onto Polnareff that I realized the barking had come from Iggy, the Boston Terrier that had accompanied us for the rest of our journey to Cairo once we had arrived in Egypt.

   "You stupid mutt! Get off me!" Polnareff yelled as he struggled to get the little dog off him. People around us stopped and looked at Polnareff with confused looks – some even concerned.

   I giggled softly and stepped forward. As soon as Polnareff and Iggy were within reach, I scooped the little dog up and withdrew him from Polnareff's face.

   "Y/N! It's so good to see you again!" Iggy barked which Scarlet Phantom translated using her telepathy ability. I think it was because of Scarlet Phantom's ability to communicate with other Stand users using telepathy that made Iggy like me since I was able to understand everything he said.

   "I've missed you so much, Iggy." I giggled softly as I held the little dog close to my chest and scratched behind his ear.

   "I see Iggy was able to find you both easily," said a voice from behind us. I turned round to see Avdol standing a few feet away from us with a smile on his face.

   "Avdol!" I grinned and made my way over to him. When I was in front of him, I held Iggy with one arm and used my other arm to pull the fortune-teller into a one-armed hug.

   "Hello, Miss. Y/N. It's nice to see that you are looking well. How are Jotaro and Kakyoin keeping?"

   I frowned at the question and glanced away. I was thankful for Polnareff stepping in and changing the subject before I was able to answer the fortune-teller's question.

   "Let's go get something to eat. I'm starving!" Polnareff groaned as I stepped away from Avdol and placed Iggy down on the ground.

   "Still thinking about your stomach, I see, Polnareff?" Avdol smirked at the Frenchman as he started to lead the way out of the airport.

   "Hey, the food on the plane didn't look at all appetizing, so I decided to go without until we landed," the Frenchman defended.

   Avdol chuckled softly. "We'll drop your luggage off at my shop and I will take you both out for dinner. There's a restaurant not too far away from my shop that I think you might enjoy."

A few hours later, we returned to Avdol's shop with full stomachs.

   We were sat in the lounge of his shop waiting on Avdol to return from the kitchen with some tea. Iggy was perched on my lap fast asleep and Polnareff was sat on the couch beside me.

   Avdol eventually walked into the lounge carrying a tray of tea and three cups. He set the tray down on the table and took a seat in the armchair opposite us.

   "I'm aware that Polnareff has told you why you have come here today, is that correct, Miss. Y/N?" He asked as he started pouring some herbal tea into the cups.

   "Yeah." I nodded. "He said you have some information about the Stand Arrow."

   Avdol nodded and set the teapot down. He sat back in his chair and said, "I've asked around the market, and learned that someone uncovered six arrowheads from underneath the Egyptian desert. They were discovered not long before DIO has acquired his Stand."

   "Six arrows? So, there's more than one?" I raised an eyebrow.

   Avdol nodded again. "The hag that shot you with the arrow bought five out of the six arrowheads from the person that retrieved them; however, the whereabouts of these arrows are unknown."

The Stars That Guide Us: A New Adventure - A TSTGU NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now