【Chapter 18】

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13 Months Later...

Polnareff's phone vibrated on top of the bedside table, stirring us from our slumber.

   The Frenchman let out a low groan as he unwrapped his arm from around me and turned over to pick up his phone from the bedside table. He looked at the screen to see who was calling him and grumbled, "It's Rita." He answered the phone and put it on speaker so I could hear what the Irish Fortune-teller had to say.

   "What's the matter Rita?" Polnareff asked as I slowly sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

   "Is Y/N with you, Polnareff?" She asked.

   "She's right next to me. You're on speaker so she can hear you," he said with a sigh as he sat up and brushed his silver locks away from his face.

   "Good, there's something I need to tell ya both. I've got a lead on the arrow," she announced.

   Mine and Polnareff's eyes widened in surprise at Rita's announcement. "You do?" We asked in unison.

   "Aye. I spoke to some cab driver and he told me he took a fella that matched the description of the geezer we're looking for to an airport in Denmark," she explained.

   "Dammit! That bastard could have gone anywhere by now!" Polnareff growled.

   "Even so, we might be able to find out where it was he was heading and we can get the next flight over," I pointed out with a glance at Polnareff before looking back down at the phone in his hand. "Rita, did the cab driver tell you what airport it was that he was dropped off at?"

   "He said it was Copenhagen."

   "Okay, here's the plan; come back to Amsterdam and get us. As soon as you've picked us up, we're going to head straight to Copenhagen and find out what plane this guy has boarded, and as soon as we know where he's gone, we'll get the next plane over there, got it?"

   "Sounds like a plan. I'll be back with you guys within the next week or so, so I'll see ya then." Before we could say anything else to Rita, she hung up, leaving us looking at Polnareff's phone.

   The Frenchman glanced at me and threw his phone back onto the bedside table, then asked, "So, how exactly are you going to find out what plane this guy has boarded? I doubt anyone at the main desk of the airport will be willing enough to give you that information."

   "If it wasn't that long ago since he boarded the plane, Scarlet Phantom should be able to track down what gate he went through, from there, we can find out what flights were on that gate previously," I explained.

   "Well, I hope it's going to be as easy as you make it sound. I trust you'll be able to suss it out anyway."

   I gave him a curt nod and slipped out of the bed to get dressed for the day.

The next week came round quickly and Rita had arrived at our hotel to come and get us.

   Polnareff and I climbed onto the carriage next to Rita and greeted her after not seeing her for little over a year and we set off for Copenhagen.

   "So did you guys find out anything in Amsterdam? Anything about the arrow, or anything else about this geezer?" Rita asked.

   "Nothing about either," I said with a sigh, then added, "but hopefully with the information you got from that cab driver, we'll be able to track this guy down and get the answers that we need."

   "That's the outcome we're hoping to get, but I wouldn't build my hopes up. If this guy has evil intentions planned for this arrow, he's not going to tell us what we want to know willingly. From what I've gathered, he's not good news. He gives some fella the ability to wield a Stand back in Germany who ends up attacking us. Now call that a coincidence, but this geezer must know there's someone out there after the arrow and will put hurdles in the way to make sure we don't get our hands on it. He's obviously learned how powerful the arrow can be and wants to make sure he doesn't lose that power," Rita theorised.

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