【Chapter 17】

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of the shower running in the next room.

   I slowly opened my eyes and noticed I was in the middle of my hotel bed.

   "Urgh. What happened last night?" I grumbled as I slowly sat up in bed, letting the covers pool into my lap. Only then did I notice that I was naked. 'Maybe I was that drunk last night I just threw my clothes off instead of getting my pyjamas out of my bag,' I thought to myself.

   I looked towards the bathroom door, remembering it was the sound of the shower than woke me up.

   Suddenly, my breath hitched in my throat as I recalled the events of last night that resulted in me sitting stark naked in bed. "Shit..." I hissed as I brought my hands up to my head and rubbed circles on my temples.

   The vision actually came true. I never doubted Rita's visions for a second, but part of me wanted to at least hope that this was a one off vision that was wrong. Rita's words echoed in my head, "Be reassured that what happens between you and Polnareff will not ruin your chances of seeing those Jotaro and Nori fellas in the future."

   She said my chances of seeing Jotaro and Nori wouldn't be ruined by whatever happens between me and Polnareff, but thinking about last night, I don't see how. Polnareff spilled his feelings for me out on the table, even though he knew his feelings wouldn't be fully returned.

   "You're Jotaro and Kakyoin's girl. Even though you've lost touch with them, you're still waiting for the day they come back into your life, your heart is with them," repeated through my head. Even though he said that, I proved him wrong and told him that I had also grown feelings for him, I just didn't want to ruin the relationship we had already had together.

   For so long, Polnareff told himself that it was never meant to be, and he learned to accept that fact, settling to have me as a really good friend. He even agreed to be my lover until the day Jotaro and Nori returned, knowing full well that once that day came, what happened between us would be no more. He would rather see me happy.

   "He's just doing this to make me feel better," I told myself. "No strings. Just helping me get my mind off them." But oh boy, last night definitely didn't feel like that. I always had the feeling the Polnareff would be a very passionate lover in the sheets, but the way he handled me last night was something beyond my expectations. He knew exactly where all my weak spots were, what would make me fall over the edge. Without a doubt, Polnareff was very experienced in that field, and he certainly took my mind off the heartbreak I had been feeling these past 7 years, just as he had promised.

   Thinking about the events of last night made a pool of warmth grow between my legs, and I bit my bottom lip. Oh, how I wanted him to touch me right now. I sat back against the plump pillows and let out a soft sigh as my hand slowly started to trail down my body, imagining what Polnareff would walk into after his shower and how he would react.

   I could see clearly how he would look upon seeing me sprawled out on the bed in a heated mess, craving for his touch. His eyes would be filled with lust as he watched the little show I was putting on as a tent grew through the towel wrapped around his waist.

   Before my hand could reach my aching core, I heard the shower turn off, snapping me out of my fantasy, and I quickly withdrew my hand.

  'What the hell am I thinking?' I growled to myself as I brought my hands up to my face, feeling slightly ashamed of myself for having such thoughts.

  The door to the bathroom opened and I quickly sat back up and pulled the covers over my chest.

   I felt my heart skip a beat as I laid eyes on the half-naked Frenchman standing in the doorway with a towel wrapped around his waist. Droplets of water dripped down from his silver locks and onto his toned chest. He looked exactly how I imagined him in my little fantasy from only a few moments ago. The sight alone made my cheeks heat up and pull the covers tighter against my chest.

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