【Chapter 14】

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14 months later...

"Wakey, wakey sleepy head. Today's the day," I heard Scarlet Phantom say.

I let out a groan and slowly opened my eyes to glare up at the red-haired Stand standing over my small hotel bed.

"What are you even talking about?" I grunted as I turned over in bed and pulled the covers tighter around me.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," she said as she yanked the covers off me. "Today's the day we go to the place of the vision," the Stand said a little bit too cheerfully.

Of course, how could I have forgotten? We had spent the last 14 months in Germany, following the trail of our mystery arrow wielder and trying to pick up any more information about this person that could aid us in our search.

Our main goal was to travel all the way through Germany and to the Netherlands where it was thought that this person was going to, however I wasn't so enthusiastic about the idea of going to the Netherlands due to Rita's vision that she had shown me back in Belgium.

"Why are you so excited about it?" I groaned into my pillow.

"Because today will be the day I finally get to prove you wrong." Scarlet Phantom grinned down at me as I glared up at her from the pillow.

"What makes you so certain that it's going to be today?" I asked as I slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

Scarlet Phantom's grin fell as she as she realised that there was no specific date as to when Rita's vision would happen. "Oh. That's a fair point."

I rolled my eyes and got off the bed, stretching my arms over my head, wincing slightly at the dull ache from the scar caused by the wound that the lightning Stand user had inflicted on me when we first came into Germany.

A knock came from my hotel room door, and I trudged over to it. Once I got to the door, I peered through the peephole to see Polnareff standing on the other side. I opened the door and asked, "What's up?"

"Have you only just woken up?" The Frenchman chuckled.

"Thanks to a certain Stand..." I said with a glare over my shoulder at Scarlet Phantom.

Polnareff laughed in response and leaned against the doorframe with his arms folded over his chest. "Hey, I was thinking, since your 25th birthday's coming up, wanna do something for it?"

Before I could give Polnareff an answer, Scarlet Phantom jumped in and slung her arm over my shoulder. "You bet she would!"

"Scar! Calm it will you!" I growled at her and shrugged her off me as I looked back at Polnareff and said, "It's just another day to me, so I wasn't really considering doing anything for my birthday." I wasn't exactly lying when I said that, it was true.

Since Jotaro and Nori left for college, I never really made a fuss over my birthday, whether it's because I wasn't spending it with them or it was just me getting older, I don't know why, it was just a normal day for me.

"Oh come on, Y/N. It's your birthday! You've never let us do anything for the last two birthdays, and this is your 25th we're talking about." Polnareff frowned.

"It's just a number to me." I shrugged.

Polnareff let out a sigh and said, "Well, if you change your mind the offer is still there. Now, come on, get ready so we can head out."

Over the course of the next two days, we travelled to Amsterdam, making the occasional stop to rest up overnight in the carriage.

By morning of the third day, we finally arrived.

The Stars That Guide Us: A New Adventure - A TSTGU NovellaWhere stories live. Discover now