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I believe that the longer you are away from someone or something the more amazing you imagine it to be. Once you start to crave or miss something you obviously start to think about it, but your mind makes the thing seem more amazing than it really is. Then when the thing returns it is a huge let down. 

I think that's what I started to do with Tristan and Brad, which was unfortunate because that made my choice between them impossible. 

I hadn't seen nor spoken to any of the boys in 3 months. Marcie was always online with James but I just could never find the time to talk to Tris or Brad. I actually talked to Nathan more than anyone. 

Steven was busy with planning for college since he was graduating early. Marcie was always doing something such as cheer leading or modeling. And Dan just stays at home and plays video games. Since he's already out of high school and he's not going to college he has more time to just loaf around. 

I have been busy with everything. Ever since Steven posted the interview on YouTube the company I work for has been giving me assignment after assignment. 

I just finished doing a short film series with a good friend of mine and my boss said that if it gets enough views that I get to go and interview a popular boy band in England, again. 

They have yet to tell me who I will be interviewing and I was hoping it was The Vamps but I doubt they'd have me do another interview with the same band. 


"Can I pleaseeee come?" Marcie begged as she sprawled out on my bed. 

I stuffed another t-shirt into my suitcase and hummed, trying to drown out Marcie's pleading. 

"I need to see James" she said slamming my suit case shut before I could place a pair of jeans into it. 

I looked up at her and her eyes were glossy as if she was going to cry. 

"I need to" she emphasized the word need and her voice was shaky. 

"What's going on?" I asked sitting down on the bed next to her. 

She ran her fingers through her hair, flipped her bangs to the side and sighed.

"Nothing, I just- I can't do this anymore" she said placing her head in her hands. 

"Marce, what is it?" I asked placing a hand on her arm. 

She slowly sat up and took in a deep breath "I have to break up with James." 

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