Chapter 6 - Love & Lies.

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I remembered when Marcie begged her father for a bunny at the age of 10 and I recall the holy fit that she threw when she did not receive one for her 11th birthday. I always felt bad for her and would let her drown her sorrows and pretend that Lucy was her's whenever she wanted to. 

"Ave! Avery!" I heard a soft voice call as I was pushed back and forth. I pulled the covers over my head more as I snuggled into my ball of blankets. "No! Don't go back to sleep! Wake up you little shit!" Marcie said in an annoyed tone. 

"I still have jet lag okay, let me sleep please," I groaned as I moved further away from Marcie. My foot collided with a hard surface as I tried to escape Marcie's voice. I heard a groan as I came in contact with his body.

"Oh sorry Brad," I whispered as he popped his head out from under his pillow, his disheveled curls covering his big brown eyes.  He whimpered as he pulled me close to him, nuzzling his head into my neck. 

"No, Brad. Let Avery go. She has to help me," Marcie stated as she pulled one of my feet out from under the covers. I held onto Brad's bicep as she pulled harder.

"Brraadddd," I whined, "Make Marcie go away," I pleaded as I held onto his strong arm. 

"Leave me and my wife to be alone," Brad growled as he latched his arm around one of my thighs and pulled me closer to him as Marcie pulled in the opposite direction. 

"Ow, hell, just let go of me Marce. Let me lay for a couple more seconds..." I said in an attempt to compromise. 

"That's it. I'll just bring her to you," Marcie stated as she gave up and let me go.

I sighed in relief as I spread out on the bed, now that I had more room to roam. "No, stay close love," Brad pleaded as he looped an arm around my torso and pulled me back to his side. I stuffed my head in his pillow as he leaned in to kiss me. "Hey, let me kiss you," Brad pouted. 

"No, I uh- have morning breath, you don't want to kiss that..." I tried to stall. I wasn't sure how I felt especially after what Tristan had told me yesterday. 

"Avie," Brad groaned as he brushed my hair away from my face, "Please."

My head shot up as I heard a stream of barks sound from the door way. "What the-" I started as I lifted my head from the pillow. In the doorway was Marcie, holding a small black Pomeranian. 

"Her name is Goldey," Marcie said, gleaming at her prized possession, "I was wondering if you could take care of her today since James wants to take me into town for a date."

I sighed and nodded, rubbing my face with my hands "See, I knew this had some favor attached."

"But I wanted to go somewhere with you today, somewhere special," Brad spoke into my ear as I considered Marcie's request. 

"Alright, only for today," I answered as I pretended to not hear Bradley. Brad sighed as he rolled onto his back and threw a pillow at my head. I spun around and gave him a glare. Marcie placed Goldey on the bed and waved goodbye before closing the bedroom door behind her.  

"Avery Marks, how could you?" Brad questioned in a sincere and hurt fashion.

"How could I not! It's an adorable little dog Bradley," I defended as I picked up Goldey and placed her on Brad's bare chest. She moved close to his face and lay down right on his torso, "Just look at her!" 

He sighed and lay a hand on Goldey, smoothing out her fluffy fur as he turned his head to meet my eyes. "I just can't stay mad at you can I?" 

I giggled as I flipped on the television and turned it to the weather channel. "And there will be rain all next week," the lady reported as she motioned to the map behind her.

"Dammit, really?" Bradley cursed as he looked up at the screen, "Now when am I going to take you on a proper date?" 

"Bradley," I comforted, knitting my fingers into his curls as I leaned into him, "We don't need to go anywhere."

"I know babe, but I wanted to make it up to you since I haven't been to visit..."

"Remember I am possibly moving here," I stated as I turned off the television. 

"Stop teasing me Avery," Brad scolded as he took Goldey and placed her on the floor. 

"No, I'm serious Brad," I said, frowning. 

"Watch, by the end of this week you'll tell me that you changed your mind," he stated with his face no longer turned to me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned on his back "I love you, so why would I lie?" I asked, batting my lashes as I kissed the side of his mouth and causing him to spread his lips in a wide grin. 

A/N: Thank you all so much for the comments last chapter! They really helped me decide on where the story should go. Feel free to leave more comments c: 

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