Chapter 14 - Long Awaited Reunion.

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A/N: Cavery isn't happening guys. I'm writing a whole separate fan fic for Connor so yey anndddd a James fic cx lol don't kill me guys 

I was debating to jump from Connor's back and run in the opposite direction. I weighed my options and listed the pros and cons. I decided against it seeing as I had no shoes on and I'd look like a total idiot. I shoved my face into Connor's back and screamed. Con laughed as he set me down a few feet away from the people who now crowded around the car, but that one person was still not there. He had left in the middle of my speech and he wasn't even there now. 

Con pushed me a ways back and looked over his shoulder at the rest of them, giving James a look and James nodded, directing everyone into the car, but the one guy propped on the car stayed. Con looked down at me with wide eyes. "You're going to have to face him sooner or later," he concluded. 

I nodded, looking over Con to get a quick glimpse. I took a deep breath and Con walked in front of me until we reached the car. Connor got in the back seat while I stayed, throwing my hat to him before he shut the car door. I half smiled as he looked at me. "Congrats," he announced, shoving his hands farther in his pockets, as he slid up the side of the car and stood straight in front of me. I laughed, my smile blossoming into a full grin. 

I held my arms open as he walked close to me, embracing me tightly. I was about to let go when he pulled me close once again. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I- I don't even know what to say right now," I stuttered.

He let me go, his blue eyes meeting mine as I stepped back a few feet to fully look at him. "I'm just glad that once wasn't the last time I'd see you. I mean I never even got to say goodbye," Tristan processed, holding my hands in his. 

I smiled and looked to my feet, now realizing once again I was not wearing shoes. "Oh, um I kinda need to get in the car, I don't have shoes," I observed, hopping from one foot to the other.  

He chuckled, opening the car door for me and letting me slide in before himself. I grinned as I noticed Con next to me. James sat in the drivers seat and Marcie sat in the passenger seat next to him. I huffed when I still noticed Brad was absent. "Okay, where in the actual hell is Brad?" I questioned in an annoyed tone. I could feel Tris shift beside me. 

James turned in his seat and faced me. "Um, I thought he was here...," James stalled, looking to Marcie. 

I rolled my eyes. "You guys, I need to talk to him," I demanded. Tris leaned his head against the window. 

"He went for a walk. You'll be wandering around because I don't know exactly where he went, so you may not want to...and she's already leaving the car," James rambled as I climbed over Connor and jumped from the car, grabbing my heels from his hands and throwing my long graduation gown back at him. Luckily I decided to wear a comfortable dress underneath or I'd be in even more pain. 

"Yeah! Okay, we'll just wait here I guess," Con yelled as I slammed the door shut. 

I stumbled in my heels as I tried to put them on while also starting to jog. I headed to the left wing of the parking lot first, no sign of him. I huffed and decided to check the front of the school. He couldn't have gone far, the boy wasn't some athlete runner. The front of the school was littered with crying girls taking pictures, so I fled to the back grassy area near the football field. By that time most people were leaving, getting in cars, and saying goodbyes. But me, I was chasing a boy around a fairly large school ground in high heels and a dress. 

I stopped to sit on one of the many red benches around the school. I slipped off my heels and rubbed my now throbbing feet. I scrunch my legs up to my chest, my toes curling over the edge of the bench, blending in with the red color. I studied the chipping polish on my toe nails, they were in desperate need of a pedicure. I slipped my feet back in my shoes.

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