Chapter 10 - Secret Business.

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Two weeks later

I glanced at my rose gold watch that was hanging on my wrist. I grinned as it showed me it was time for me to leave for home. I returned my pen to the cup holder on my desk and fixed the stack of papers that were scattered. I turned off my computer and clicked the button on the screen. I slid my phone in my shoulder bag and got up from my chair. I pushed it in and went through a mental check list. Phone: check, Keys: check, Wallet:- I was about to say check and then the phone started to ring. I pranced over to the phone, clicked the button and put the receiver to my ear.  "Delmore Recording Studios, this is Avery how may I help you?" I said in my rehearsed and peppy voice. I heard a chuckle on the other end before they cleared their throat.

"Oh, uh- yes. This is um- Garrett Hendinberg...and I was wondering if there was anyway that you could tell me where the nearest airport is?" the voice had a fake and stupid accent which was trying to sound professional but did not in the slightest.

"Sir, we are a music recording studio. I will gladly give you the number for an airport if that's what you're looking for?" I said as I tried to play along. My boss had poked his head out of his office. I gave him a thumbs up in response to let him know I could handle it.

The other end was not giving up. "No, no. I'm sure this is the number," they said keeping their fake accent. I sighed and leaned my hand on my desk.

"There is nothing I can do for you sir. I work at a recording studio," I said getting fed up of their little game. I was tired and ready to go to sleep at any moment.

"Ma'am, I assure you this is the number!" they practically yelled into the phone.

"Okay. Listen here you little shit, I can call the cops for you prank calling. It's illegal," I spoke quietly into the phone. I didn't wait for a response before slamming the phone receiver down. I closed my office door and pushed the elevator button.


"How was work?" Danny asked as I shut the front door and bolted it closed. I hung my bag on the banister by the stairs and sat on the bottom step.

I grabbed a hair tie from my pocket and tied my curls into a pony tail atop my head. "Good, except I got a weird prank call before I left."

Danny eyes shifted as he rubbed his hands together. "Well, I may have given someone who called here your work number...," he stated with guilt on his face.

I closed my eyes as I sucked in a breath. "Dan," I began as I tried to channel my anger. He was older than me, yet he had a substantially smaller IQ than myself. "Did they even say who they were?" I questioned through clenched teeth.

He shook his head as he focused his gaze on the couch cushion. I shook my head as I lie my face in my hands. "I'm really sorry and if they call again just call the police...," Dan said as he tried to fix his mistake.

I put my hands on my knees as I hopped off the step. "It's fine, just next time...ask who's calling okay?" I asked as I put my hands on the back of the couch.

He nodded as he looked up at me. I turned on my heel as I began walking up the stairs. "Hey Ave," he asked. I walked backwards down a couple steps until I could see him once again. "I know it's not my business and it was wrong what I did but... how's Julianna?" he questioned as he scratched the back of his head, awaiting my response.

"I'm not sure Dan, maybe give her a call."


James POV

Marcie's giggle sounded through the small closet as I dialed the number into my phone. I cleared my throat as it began to ring. I shushed her as I tried to hold back my laughter. "Hello, this is Avery with Delmore Recording Studio. How may I help?" Marcie burst into laughter as she heard Avery's voice on the other end. I cupped my hand over her mouth as I took the phone off speaker to further avoid another laugh fit from Marcie.

I opened my mouth to speak but before I could the closet door was opened and Connor stood in front of us. "Our hiding place has been compromised," Marcie whispered as I hung up the phone. She giggled once again as she lazily crawled from the coat closet.

"Whatcha guys doing in there?" Connor questioned as I exited the closet to sit on the hardwood floor.

I looked to Marcie who put her finger to her lips and shook her head. She let out a giggle as she flopped onto the living room sectional. "I was ordering pizza?" I said as more of a question instead of a statement. 

Connor glanced to my hand and reached forward, taking the slip of paper from my hand. "You guys," Connor scolded. "Are you bothering Avery again?" he questioned, his eye brows furrowing. 

Marcie sputtered as she tried to hold in a laugh. She hung her head off the couch cushion, her face  growing red as the blood rushed to it. Connor couldn't help but laugh as he watched Marcie tumble off the couch. "She can't hold her liquor can she?" he asked as she stumbled down the hall toward the bedrooms. 

"We were talking about Avery and she was really upset," I began explaining as Connor folded the slip of paper and placed it in his shorts pocket. "So I suggested she have a drink to calm her nerves and," I paused to let out a chuckle, "she got shitfaced." 

Connor squished his face in thought. "I miss Avery too. Everyone does really...," he examined. 

I nodded as I shoved my hands in my pockets. "I wish we could get her back here."

A smirk suddenly appeared on Connor's face as he extracted the slip of paper from his pocket, dangling it in front of my face. "Maybe we can." 

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