Chapter 9 - Never gonna' give you up.

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A/N: Sorry for no update in a long time. c; I just had a bad bad case of writer's block. Thank you all for reading and for getting me 80+ votes! Sorry this is a sloppy chapter, I rushed. Hope you all like it! Comments are read and appreciated. (:

Avery POV

My phone began to play the familiar toon and I rolled over on the soft bed mattress in order to retrieve it. I had made a full recovery in the week since I had twisted my ankle, I was good as new! I had taken shelter in Brad's flat and I had only spoken to Tristan to give his phone back to him. I pressed answer and sat up as the voice on the other end began speaking.

"Avery?" a professional tone blurted as I composed myself.

"Yes? Who is this?" I questioned as I rubbed my eyes. Brad's face appeared from under a white and blue striped pillow as he squinted up at me. I fanned my hand in his face in order to get him to go back to sleep.

"It's Jessica." My boss. Then it hit me that I came here to interview a band that was now no longer a band.

"Oh," I coughed and cleared my throat "Hey Jess," I said as un-suspicious as I could. 

"Why haven't you been returning my calls? Or my emails? Or texts? It's like you fell off the Earth."

I checked the calendar above the bedside table and saw that it had been about 2 weeks since I had left Texas. "I - uh I have been busy...," I lied.

"With what exactly? Because my records show that we got a phone call from a member of that band you were supposed to interview and he said that they are not a band anymore," she stated as I heard the flipping of papers on the other end of the line.

"Oh - um yes, of course. I was also informed of that," I replied as I bit at my nails, awaiting the bad news.

"You do know what this means right?" Jessica said as I could almost see her expression through the phone. 

"Yes ma'am," I said sadly as my throat began to dry out and I held back tears.

She then explained that I would get credit for the time that I interned there but it was still not enough to get me where I wanted. I ended the call and slid my phone back on the side table, laying my head on the cold pillow beneath me. Hot tears slipped from my eyes as I shook softly. Brad's voice chimed in softly "Ave, what's wrong?" he questioned as he poked his head onto my shoulder, "Are you crying?" he asked quickly before turning my body to face him. I shielded my face with my hands as he sighed. "Avie, what happened?" I then busted into full blown water works.

"Eh wereh feredh!" I blurted between violent sobs from my still clasped hands. Brad unlatched my hands from my face as I looked at him with my blurred vision. My eyes stung as more tears fell onto my flushed cheeks. He let out a chuckle as he wiped away a tear.

"You were what?" he asked as he brushed my hair from my eyes.

"Fired," I said softly as I took a deep breath and calmed myself.

"Aw, you got all worked up over a silly internship?" Brad retorted with a small laugh.

"Bradley," I said sternly as I sat up on the pillows, "That was my only way into the college I've been planning on going to since I was young. Now what am I going to do?"

"Don't you have a plan B?" he questioned with a shrug.

"No," I stated bluntly, "Did you have a plan B when you wanted to be a singer?" I questioned back.

"No, I worked hard at it, you know that. I know you worked hard too! Ave, trust me I believe in you and I wish you could have gotten what you wanted but that's not what happened... Besides music is my dream I wouldn't give it up."

"Well, this was my dream."


"Avery! You really don't have to leave. You can stay with James and I while you find a new college to go to our a new radio station to intern at. Don't leave just because one guy was a jackass to you," Marcie begged as I rolled my bags down the cobblestone path and to the curb.

"This is not about Brad, this about me. I need to do something with my life! I have spent 2 weeks doing nothing here," I asserted as I flung my luggage into the back of the taxi.

"You can chase your dreams here! In London! Ave, you always talked about how much you love it here and it's just not like you to give up," Marcie begged as her face scrunched. 

"I'm not giving up! That's why I have to leave. If I stayed here I'd just waste away, just support me. I need someone Marcie," I said softly as I held her arms and looked her in the eyes. Her forehead unwrinkled and she closed her mouth, lowering her head to the ground.

"Good luck and go make something of yourself."

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