Chapter 1 - Bigger and better things.

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"I've been talking to Tony" Marcie confessed laying back on the bed with another sigh. 

Tony was the drummer of Solid Stripes, Nathan's band. I was aware that Marcie and Tony were acquaintances but I had no idea it was a serious enough relationship that she would consider breaking up with James.  

"And him?" I questioned as I continued packing. 

She took a shirt from my suitcase and refolded it, placing it in the same exact spot it was in. She was about to grab another one when I slapped her hand. She took a deep breath "Avery, Tony and I have been dating for a week now."

I slowly zipped my suitcase and placed it by my door. 

"Ave..." Marcie said as I started to pack up my make-up "Ave, say something."

"What do you want me to say?" I questioned throwing a tube of mascara into my travel case "All I have to tell you is I hope you know how you're going to break it to James because he really loves you."


"You'll be interviewing a new band called Sunset Skyline," my boss spoke as I held my phone to my ear while trying to haul my bag to the taxi Marcie had got. 

"Oh, well," I started, already disappointed "How long am I going to be here for?" I questioned shoving my suit case in the trunk, slamming it closed once I had it packed in. 

"A month."


I knocked loudly on the hotel door and stepped back a few feet, waiting patiently. "Remember, you're my assistant. So, you should be with me if they ask any questions," I reminded Marcie, who nodded with a frown still on her face.

"I promise we'll visit them," I replied in response to her solemn look.

The door opened as she was about to reply. My eyes widened as I saw who was behind the door. 

"NATHAN!" I screamed as I flung my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. 

"Ave? What the hell are you doing here?" he questioned hugging me back tightly. 

"I am here to interview 'Sunset Skyline'. Do I have the wrong place?" I questioned, releasing him from my grasp. 

He shook his head "I thought I told them the interview was cancelled. CONNOR," he hollered in frustration. 

A kid with dirty blonde hair came strolling into the entrance way "What is it? I'm packing," he replied in annoyance. 

"Please tell me you cancelled the interview," Nathan said with a quieter tone. 

Connor scratched his head "I was going to after-" Connor started to explain. 

"Well, sorry Avery but Sunset Skyline is no longer a band. We're going to have to cancel," Nathan explained, running a hand through his normally perfect hair, which as of that moment was not perfect.  

"What happened?" I asked with a pouty frown. 

"I got asked to be in a different band and I thought it would be better for my career," Connor replied walking closer to me "I'm Connor by the way, Connor Ball," he repeated with a wide smile as he shook my hand. 

"Avery Marks," I answered. 

"The Avery?!" Connor asked, his eyes twinkling "Then you must be Marcie," he guessed, shaking her hand as well "You're all James ever talks about, Tony talks a lot about you too," Connor rambled. 

I shot a glance at Marcie as she nodded, looking down at her feet. "How do you know James?" I questioned. 

"I'm the new member of his band." 

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