Chapter 12 - Graduation Day.

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A/N: It's taking a lot longer for me to update on this story for a couple of reasons. I just re-read Becoming A Vampette and...all I can say is wow. That story is now making it extremely difficult to continue on this one because of all the details and events that I forgot happened in that story. ShIT. Why am I writing this. iTS SO HArd. So, I don't even know how I plan on making this shit storm of a story work out in the end honestly. I can rant all day about my own dumb ass story. I can. 

Connor POV 

"Come on, I know you want her back," I asserted as I followed Brad from the car and toward the building door. 

"No, what I want is to not think about her," he barked as he entered through the door, not looking back at me. "And really, going to see her isn't helping with the whole not thinking about her." 

I dropped the subject, until I found the other boys. "James! Listen I have good news," I revealed as I ran up to him. 

His grin showed me he already sort of knew the context of what I was going to tell him. "Go on Con," he acknowledged. 

"Marcie already told you didn't she?" I asked solemnly. Marcie always got to James first with all news. 

He squinted one of his eyes as he made a half smile, nodding. "No one told me! What's the news?" Tristan blurted from his spot on the couch. Brad had since slumped himself into an arm chair. His hoodie pulled over his eyes. 

"We're going to America again," I started out. Brad crossed his arms, slumping further down in the chair. "To see Avery," I finished and Brad groaned. 

"Why isn't he all happy?" James questioned as he kicked the leg of the chair causing Brad to shake. 

"Do you know why Avery left?" Brad questioned, pushing his hood off his head and sitting up in the chair. No one spoke. "It was her choice, no one told her to go." 

James shook his head. "That's not true mate, she just wanted a break," blurted Tristan. 

"Shut up Tris," Brad blurted bitterly. I watched helplessly as the two of them grew angier. "Don't try and be nice to me right now. I'm not going to let you steal two of my ex-girlfriends." 

"I'm not going to try and steal your girlfriend Brad," Tristan defended through clenched teeth. 

"Okay guys, let's just all shut up about it," James interjected, trying to dampen the fire. "We are going to see her. She is our friend no matter what shit you guys have going on."  


Avery POV 

"Mom, can you zip me up?" I called as I looked in my mirror at myself in my cap and gown. I had straightened my normally frizzy and curly hair. My make-up was pretty natural. I wasn't going to plaster on mascara and eyeliner when it would just melt off in the Texas heat. I glanced at the clock on my bathroom wall and screamed again. "Mom! I'm going to be late," I hollered as I turned around one hand still clasped on the back flaps on my graduation gown. I dropped my hands as I turned around in surprise. My gown fell to my feet and luckily I had a party dress on underneath or I'd be even more surprised. 

"Did you miss me?" Marcie questioned as she held her arms open for me to embrace her. 

I covered my mouth with my hand as I shimmied the rest of the way out of my gown and ran to hug her. "I missed you so much Marce," I quivered, tightening my hug. 

"I wasn't going to miss our graduation!" she exclaimed, swiftly taking my cap off and placing it on her head. 

I laughed as she modeled in my mirror. "But you aren't graduating...right?" I questioned. The only way I got through all the days I missed was with the help of Steven. He always emailed me the work I wasn't there to complete. I barely got by this year. 

She took off my cap and placed it back on my head. She shook her head as she sat on my bed. "But it's okay!" she revealed joyfully. "I already have a job, even without a high school diploma. I'm doing classes on line to get it anyways...," she added with her white smile beaming. 

"I knew you had a plan Marce," I encouraged. I stepped back into my graduation gown. "Can someone please zip me up?" I questioned once again. "I'm going to be late," I confirmed. 

Marcie successfully zipped up my gown and I slipped on my shoes. "Wait...who did you come with?" I asked as I stepped out of my room.

"Avery! We'll be in the car," I heard Dan yell from down stairs.

"No one...," she avoided. "I'll be there in the crowd," she promised as she hugged me one last time and exited my house in a hurry.

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