Chapter 2 - Surprise.

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"Can we please come with you to see the other members?" Marcie begged pulling on Connor's arm like an upset child. 

He chuckled and nodded, placing his guitar case in the trunk of the taxi. Marcie climbed in the front and sat in back with Connor. 

"So, why is Nathan so upset that you're leaving the band?" I asked still confused on why Nathan was now, as it seemed, in 2 bands. 

"Well, he was in Solid Stripes as I'm sure you're aware of," Connor began explaining as we journeyed to see the boys.   

I nodded "What happened did they break up or something?" I questioned as Marcie looked out the window, obviously not interested in Nathan. 

"No, well it was mostly my fault..." he stated, fluffing his hair with his hands in distress "I asked him to leave his band to start a new one with me and know what happened," he added, looking up at me with his sad, puppy dog like eyes. 

"I bet Nathan will forgive you sooner or later," I replied, try to comfort this guy I had met in the past hour. 

"I know we only just met and I'm laying my problems on you," Connor said, his accent making every word he said sound like those of an angel. 

I shook my head, my curls falling in my eyes "Any friend of the boys is a friend of mine," I swooned, placing my hand on his. 

He smiled, looking into my eyes "Brad was right, it's hard not to fall in love with you."


"HURRY DAMMIT," Marcie screamed as we pulled up to the house the boys were located in. It looked like Tristan's house but I hadn't seen it in so long, I didn't recognize it. 

Marcie ran from the car before it even stopped rolling and scampered up to the front porch. I helped Connor with his bags and slowly paced behind him. 

I heard Marcie's screams as soon as I walked in the door. I saw her hung around James as I made my way through the door. My face grew warm as I saw a familiar pile of curls sitting atop Brad's head. 

"Avery?" Brad cooed, standing up from his place as he straightened out his shirt and wiped his jeans, attempting to clean himself up. 

A wide grin spread across my lips as he hopped through out the crowded living room and over to me. I paused to look into his big brown eyes that I had missed so much before flinging my arms around his neck and pulling him close to me. "I missed you so much," he spoke into my neck as he moved his hands along my back. 

His words made my heart beat faster as everyone else in the room seemed to disappear. I pulled away, my arms still hung around his neck. "How long will you be here?" he questioned, his arms still guiding up and down my back. 

I removed my hands from his neck "Only about...oh a month," I stated nonchalantly, shrugging and letting my hands swing by my sides. 

Brad's smile grew wider as I spoke. He let his hands drift to my hips as I placed my hands on his shoulders, his gaze never leaving my eyes. 

"You're welcome, by the way," Connor suddenly blurted, causing me to snap out of my daze and tune in to reality. 

"Pardon?" Brad replied, turning to face Connor. 

"Yeah, I found her and then Marcie begged me to bring them here," he scoffed. I giggled as I wandered over to where Connor stood. 

"It was him. He found me and returned me home," I said, ruffling Connor's hair. 

Connor nodded and Brad raised his lip in a sneer "Well, I'm just glad you came back to me," Brad said pulling me towards him once again. 

"She didn't come back necessarily," Connor began, but soon noticed Brad was not amused with his whole charade so, he wandered out of the room and found something else to get his interest. 

I lay my head in the crook of Brad's neck as he wrapped me up in his arms. He snuggled his face onto my head as I rubbed the back of his neck. "We're back," a high voice called as the front door shot open. 

Brad and I untangled ourselves, looking at who was causing all the noise. "Oh, it's only Tris," Brad noted as he reached from my waist again, but I stopped him as I paced over to where the girl stood. 

"Ave..." Tris said, shock covering his face as he looked at me. 

"Oh! You're Avery! That's why you looked so familiar!" the girl said, her energy over flowing by the second. 

I nodded slowly, examining the situation. "Hi Tristan, Hello Julianna," I said coldly, staring at Tristan with a blank expression as his mouth remained agape. 

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