Chapter 5 - Breaking Hearts.

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"Please Brad, you don't need to come get me," I stated as I paced back toward the front of the building.

"Avery, don't be ridiculous," he answered.

I sighed as Tris met up with me and motioned for the phone. I handed it over and Tris put it up to his ear, giving me a slight smile in reassurance. "Aye, Aye!" Tris hollered into the phone to get Brad's attention as he rambled, "I can take her home. I'm a good driver, trust me," Tristan replied with a wink. 


"So, that's how Julianna and I became a thing...I guess you would call it..." Tris explained, his eyes looking everywhere but into my gaze. 

I nodded slowly as I took in the information. It was a sweet tale, their love story. After Brad was done being heartbroken over her, she came to visit again and try to mend things with Brad, but obviously Brad was not available so, Julianna was then the heartbroken one. Tris saw her 'different side' and fell madly in love with her, or at least that was how Tristan explained it. 

"So, you love her?" I blurted after a long and awkward silence. 

He slouched in his chair and sighed "No, and that's the hardest part, being with someone you don't love..." Tristan answered, his voice slowly fading. 

"Then why don't you leave her?" I asked as I gazed up at him.

"I don't know how to break someone's heart," he stated "Maybe you could teach me," he answered coldly.

I knitted my eyebrows together "What's that supposed to mean?" I growled.

"I-I didn't mean to say that..." Tristan defended.

I shook my head as I pushed my chair back in annoyance "I know exactly what you meant..." 

I pushed my chair as I walked away in a huff. "Ave!" Tris shouted as I continued into the parking lot. "I had no idea what I was saying!"

"Then why did you say it?" I said, tears welling in my eyes.

He caught up to me "B-Because..."

"Because why Tristan?" I blurted. 

"Because you broke my heart when you said you loved Brad instead." 

"But you have Julianna..." I answered, confused by his words. 

"That's because I had to do something to get my mind off of you. After we left you I couldn't play, I couldn't sleep, and I couldn't even focus. You were the only thing on my mind..." he said, taking my shaking hands in his.

My mind spun, I felt in a trance. I didn't know what I was feeling. I knew one thing for sure and that was, I needed to get home soon or Brad would be even more angry.

"I-uh I have to go...B-Brad wants me uh ... yeah" I spit out, as I tried to organize my thoughts but ultimately failed. I stumbled off the curb and tripped over my feet. Catching my balance, I hurried across the street. I felt my pocket and noticed something was in it. I grabbed the item out of my pocket and noticed it was a phone, Tristan's phone. I had to keep moving or Tristan would catch up to me. I dialed Brad as I stopped at a cross walk. 

"Brad, please come pick me up," I begged trying to hold back tears, for reasons I had no knowledge of. Maybe I wanted to cry because I felt bad for Julianna. Maybe I wanted to cry because I loved Tristan or maybe I wanted to cry because I didn't.

"Avie," Brad's voice, softer than the last time I had spoken to him on the phone. "Love what's wrong?"

I slumped down onto the sidewalk and shakily took a deep breath "I'm okay, nothing is wrong I promise. Just please come get me..." 

A/N: I know it's short. :\ I just wanted a chapter up soon. Thank you all so much for reading xx And I'm actually really curious to see who you guys want to end up together so tell me in the comments. c: 

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