Chapter 11 - Operation: Get Her Back

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I lazily picked up the phone receiver, putting it up to my ear. "Hellooo, this is Avery Marks. How may I help you?" I questioned with zero hint of enthusiasm.

I heard the person on the other line laugh as they began to speak. "Can't you even be a little excited to get a phone call from your favorite boy?"

I sat up in my chair as I glanced at the caller id. I squinted my eyes as I tried to remember the number. "And who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?" I asked, trying to be as nice as possible to a virtual stranger as of that time. 

"It-It's Connor...," he spoke with a hurt tone to his voice.

I gasped as I scrambled, sitting up in my desk. "Connor!" I screamed into the phone as I fell over in my chair. I hid under my desk, taking the phone with me. I scooted to the back of my desk, pulling my chair toward me to fully cover my body. "Jesus! You have no idea how happy I am to hear from you," I whispered as I pressed my mouth to the phone.

I heard him laugh as I tried to keep quiet. Taking personal calls was not exactly what I was supposed to be doing then but, I needed to talk to a familiar voice. 

The whole reason I left Brad, Marcie, and all the boys was because I felt like I was going no where. When I got back I felt like I went no where except backwards. I graduated in a week and I wasn't even sure if I'd go to college. 

My eyes began to water as I thought about how I was stuck. I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. All this time I thought I was going to be on the radio or television but I had no clue. I was stuck.  

"We all miss you Ave," he spoke into the phone. I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see me. 

"I miss all of you," I sucked in some breath, "so much." I lie my hand on my forehead, resting my elbow on my knee.  

"What have you been up to? Are you coming to visit any time soon?" he questioned happily. 

I wiped away a few tears as I sniffled. "I-uh I graduate in about a week," I stated, trying to sound normal. 

"Aw, Ave. Are you crying?" he asked. I let out a chuckle, nothing could get past that boy. 

"I just miss you guys," I defended as I tried to dry up my eyes. 

"Don't worry, soon you'll be wishing you never said you missed us." 


Connor POV 

I knocked on the large door, stepping back a considerable amount so I wouldn't have my face right in the door.  I waited a few minutes before knocking once more. I considered he wasn't home, until I heard shuffling inside, but no one opened the door. I then slammed my hands on the door, now irritated by his behavior. "Bradley! Open this damn door." I turned the knob and I was shocked when it swung open. "Brad, your front door is unlocked." 

"I know," he replied quickly. I walked into his room to find him on his stomach in bed, his sheets almost all the way pulled off his bed. The television displayed a blue screen and no light was coming from anywhere. Trash was scattered about and he looked like a disheveled mess. 

"Jesus man. What the hell has gotten in to you?" I questioned as I looked around the untidy room. 

He pulled a pillow over his head as he flipped onto his back, with his other hand he pulled his comforter up.

"Brad. You can't hide in here forever," I instructed. I took hold of the end of the comforter and pulled it from his hands. He threw his pillow off his face as he sat up.

"Just let me have a little time off Connor," he demanded as he got off the bed and made his way to his closet. 

"You haven't done anything since Avery left," I revealed as he slipped on a some what cleaner shirt. "She left almost a month ago Brad." 

"Alright!" he complied. "You're right. I'll do something. I'll come to the studio." He threw on a beanie and slipped on his shoes. 

"Good, great." I accepted as I lead him out of his house. "Oh and by the way...In about 5 days we're going to America to see Avery." 

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