Chapter 7 - Falling back in love.

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"Hey wait up!" Bradley yelled as I turned the corner onto another dirt path. 

I slowed my pace as he caught up to me "I thought you were going to record with Tris and Connor..." I replied as he reached my side.

"I thought it would be better to spend more time with you, I see those guys all the time," Bradley replied as he placed his arm around my waist. 

I smiled as I tightened my grip on Goldey's leash. "Where are we walking to beautiful?" Brad questioned, his voice warming my cold skin. I glanced up at the cloud filled sky. This either means a kiss in the rain or something completely opposite. With my luck, it would probably be something horrific. We spotted a wooden pavilion and wandered over to it. The vines of flowers had risen from the soil and wrapped around the pillars causing it to look over grown by nature. There was a cover over the top of it which was now ruined by the rain. Brad started smiling at me, and it took me about three seconds to figure out what he was thinking. 

"Come on, let's dance," he said, pulling me towards the pavilion.

"Brad, no. Stop!" I said, as I tried to pull away from him, but he was obviously stronger than me.

"Come one, Avie. Please dance with me," he said, still pulling me, and giving me a puppy dog face.

"Bradley Will Simpson! Release me now!" I commanded, but he just chuckled. "I'm supposed to be watching Marcie's dog, not dancing with my boyfriend," I scolded as I tried to release his fingers from my arm.

"This is time for us to dance," Brad said, his lips curling into a bright, white smile. He tied Goldey's leash to a near by tree and joined me under the pavilion. He placed his arms around my waist and placed mine on his shoulders. 

I gave in and lay my head on his shoulder as he twirled me around, dancing to some imaginary music that he had on a constant loop in his mind. "Where are some nearby apartments?" I questioned as he spun me round and round. 

"Why do you ask love?" Bradley asks as he ran his hands down my back. 

"Brad, you know why. I've told you at least 5 times, I want to move here," I stated as I looked up at him.

He unhooked his arms from around me and took my hands in his, leaving a gap in between us. "If you are really serious about moving here then," Bradley spoke as he intertwined my fingers with his, "I want you to live with me."

My cheeks flushed as I broke into a wide smile. I looked past Brad's eyes and glanced to where Goldey was sitting, correction, used to be sitting. "Oh no. Please no!" I exclaimed as my smile turned to a frown. 

"We don't have to live together, I mean-" Brad started as I ran to the tree Goldey was tied to. 

"Brad! Marcie's going to kill me," I spoke as I looked around frantically for Goldey. As ideas raced through my head something hit me. No, an idea didn't hit me, unfortunately, a rain drop hit me. 'At least now my tears won't be noticeable' I reasoned in my head as Brad pulled me close to him. 

"Marcie will be fine and so will Goldey," I buried my head in Brad's leather jacket as he lead me down a road and we began our journey in finding Goldey.  As we walked the rain came down harder and my spirits began to drop faster. 

"Bradley," I begged as we trudged down a now swap like path. "Please, can we go home?"

He squeezed my hand tightly before responding. "Of course baby." 

I shakily turned around but not before I heard a familiar yelp sound from behind a patch of bushes. I whipped back around and darted after Goldey who was now sprinting the opposite way down the muddy, slippery path. Brad carried along beside me, still holding my hand tightly. 

I don't exactly remember falling. I think that's because I had a mini heart attack that caused me to pass out. All I know is, I will never run down another slippery alley in ballet flats again. 

Connor POV 

I clicked the button on my remote and watched as the head lights flashed on my car. I reached for the door handle but re-tracked when I heard a stream of barks come from a near by alley way. I jogged over and saw a small black dog running towards me. I bent down and scooped it up as it panted heavily. "AVERY! AVE!" I heard someone yell from down the alley. 

I held on tightly to the dog as I ran to where the yelling was coming from. My eyes widened as I saw Avery laying on the wet, muddy ground before Brad, who was bent down on his knees, trying to wake her. 

"Connor! Thank god. I-" I stopped him for talking as I took off toward my car. 

"Hold on!" I yelled as I continued in the direction of my truck. I set the dog in the front seat and quickly drove down the alley toward Brad and Avery. 

I helped him carry Avery over to the door and lay her on his lap once inside the truck. I sped down the slippery alley way and back to my apartment. 

A/N: Sorry for such a late update! :c I've been wifi-less for about a week and was near the edge of total with drawl. Thanks so much for all the lovely comments. (: xx Grace 

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