Chapter 4 - Escaping.

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The sun crept through the blinds and across the pages of my book as I continued to read. Brad's lean body sat still and unmoved next to me. I cleared my throat as I turned the page, trying to keep as still and quiet as possible so I didn't wake Bradley. His upper half was uncovered, his bare chest rising and falling with his every silent breath. 

I glanced over at the clock on the side table and sighed to see it was only 7:45 a.m. It was silent and lonely when no one was awake and I had tried everything to go back to sleep. I had been awake since 3 and I had been reading, drawing and snacking ever since. I wanted so badly for him to wake up, but he was soundly asleep. 

I threw back the bed covers cautiously and stepped quickly over to my bag on the floor. I pulled out a pair of crop yoga pants and a loose college shirt I had stolen from Tristan. I entered the bathroom and threw on the clothes, throwing my hair up in a top knot before exiting. 

Once I stepped into the room again I saw that Bradley was uncovered by the bed sheets completely. I smiled as I walked over to his bed side, pulling the covers back over him before exiting his flat. 

I began my stroll by going on a path by his flat but ended up on a street I had no recollection of ever seeing. It was not the best idea I had ever had. I realized I left my phone in Brad's flat by the time I got to a intersection downtown but, I thought nothing of it. The light across the street flashed and I began to step out into the cross walk. I got a little bit more than half way out into the cross walk before I heard a loud and alarming sound by the side of my head. 

My eyes snapped in the direction of the sound and I froze as a car skidded to a very noisy stop beside me. I clasped my eyes shut as the driver slammed on the brakes. They then cautiously looked up from the steering wheel, it was Tristan. I quickly closed my mouth and gathered my balance as I ran the rest of the way to the sidewalk. I ran until I reached a small breakfast shop on the corner. I slowed my pace as I reached the doors.  

I thought myself to be safe after I didn't spot him for a good 3 minutes. I searched the large case of food in front of me for something to eat. I had placed $10 in my pocket before I left early that morning. I ordered 2 cups of coffee and 2 muffins for Brad and I. 

"That'll be $11.50 please," the lady spoke behind the counter. I reached into my pocket and felt around for my money. I pulled out my ten dollar bill and placed it on the counter, still pretending to dig in my pocket, looking for more money.  

"Uh, I don't have enough..." I stated solemnly, "Just put one of the muffins back I guess." 

"No, I'll pay for it," someone replied behind me. Tristan stepped up beside me and placed 2 dollars on the counter, the lady smiled at me as she placed the money in the register and handed Tris his change. He dropped the quarters in the tip jar before turning to me. "I wanted to apologize for almost killing you," he said quickly as I grabbed my items. 

"It's fine Tris, really," I answered as I pushed the door open with my hip, the bell ringing as the cool air flew in.

He grabbed my hand as I began walking out into the parking lot. "Please, let me talk to you," he begged as I flipped my sunglasses over my eyes.

"Brad is probably wondering where I am..." I answered, chewing on the inside of my cheek.

"Call him, just please. Hear me out," he pleaded, his eyebrows knitted together.  

"I don't have a phone...or a car..." I replied as I let out a chuckle, noticing just how unique of a situation I had gotten myself into. 

"You are something Ave," Tris responded, retrieving his phone from his pocket and handing it to me before taking a seat at one of the many tables they had outside. 

I dialed the phone and wandered over to the side of the building, sure to be out of Tris' ear shot. "Hey Tris," Brad answered once the phone had rang about 4 times. 

"Hey Brad," I replied in my deepest voice possible as I tried to sound like Tristan. 

"Are you sick mate?" Brad asked, confusion in his voice. 

I giggled, not able to contain my laughter any longer. "No Brad, this is Ave."

His tone of voice changed immediately. "Where the hell have you been? You literally scared me to death Avery..." he replied. 

"I'm sorry," I said in a sincere and quiet tone. I kicked a rock into the dirt as I waited for him to say something. "I got you some food though," I stated, hoping that would make him forgive me. 

"Why did you leave without your phone and why are you with Tris?" Brad asked, not at all satisfied with my answers. 

"I'll explain when I get home, okay? It may take awhile seeing as I walked here..." I continued, getting worried that anything I said would make Brad even more upset with me. 

"No, you are not walking all the way back here," Brad stated. "Where are you? I'm coming to get you."

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