Chapter 8 - False Accusations.

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Marcie POV

"Ave, I ended it," I spoke into the phone. As I awaited her response my heart thumped deafeningly.

"Ended it?" she cross-examined. "With James...?"

A smirk spread across my lips, I had tricked her like I planned. I began to fake cry into the speaker as I pretended not to hear her. "He said he never wants to talk to me again," I wailed.

"Calm down Marce," she consoled. "James is a understanding guy, you'll work it out."

I snickered "Ave, I was kidding. James is right next to me," I revealed.

She huffed. "I was gonna say..." she started before she busted into a laughing fit. I hung up the phone and set it on my bedside table.

I felt bad that James didn't know I dated Tony. He thought I was just tricking Avery into thinking we broke up. I don't know what I was thinking when I even considered breaking up with James. His smile was so white that it was blinding. His eyes were such a unique shade of blue. I was fortunate to have him love me as much as he did. I will never take him for granted again.


"Brad," I examined. "What? Slow down. You're talking to fast." My eyes grew wide as he spoke. "James! Wegottago." I spoke briskly after I hung up on Brad mid-sentence.

I jumped out of the taxi before it even had time to come to a complete stop. I threw a twenty dollar bill at the driver in the front seat as I exited hastily.

I ran to the front door and sprinted up the stairs to Connor's flat, James trailing behind. I banged on the door until I met eyes with a familiar pair of blue eyes, Connor.

"Where is she?!" I screamed as I pushed passed Connor and barged into the apartment. 

Connor blocked my path with his shoulder and wrapped his arm around my waist, twisting me in front of him in one quick motion. 

"Calm down, she's sleeping," he whispered calmly as James came in the door behind me. 

I stood up straighter and shoved my hands in my coat pocket in defeat. I sighed as I took a seat on his couch and chewed at my nails in anticipation. 

I heard feet down the hall and looked up to see Brad. His face was mellow as he grabbed a mug from the cupboard sluggishly. I sprung from the couch "What did you do to her?" I barked in his ear.  

Brad jumped back as he slammed the mug on the counter. "Me? What did I do?" he growled as he stood up taller. 

I narrowed my eyes as James placed a hand on my shoulder. "Babe, it wasn't his fault." 

"I was trying to rescue your damn dog for Christ sake," Brad bickered.

James wrapped his arms around my torso, laying his head on top of mine. I sighed as I put my hands on his. Maybe Brad wasn't so bad.  

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