Chapter Forty-Two

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A wooden shield has manifested onto Kali's arm and she quickly uses it to block another blast from Azula but is sent skidding back a few steps. Ran-Ya races towards Ty Lee with Bing on his back, like a rider on his black horse. Mai faces Kali and throws three shurikens which she blocks with her shield, bringing it up in front of her. She then throws the shield away from her and shifts her stance, throwing her hands out causing a blast of air to erupt across the field of battle, knocking Mai and Azula back, surprising them. Kali smirks.

"You're so colourful, it's making me nauseous" Mai complains and then leans up, and throws a bunch of darts at Kali, who brings up her hands appearing to shield her face, but a tree erupts from the ground in front of her. Taking the darts to its trunk instead. Kali presses her hand to her side of the tree and closes her eyes, silently thanking it. As she does this, Ty Lee runs around silently trying to get at Kali. Manages to get behind her but before she can attack, a vine snaps down from the tree and grabs Ty Lee's wrist. Kali glances back at Ty Lee and raises an eyebrow at her. Ty Lee looks at her wrist confused and then at Kali. Ran-Ya snaps at Azula's ankle, trying to grab at her trousers, distracting her. Mai grabs another knife from her body, wherever she is hiding them and then races towards Kali who flicks her fingers towards Ty Lee, the vine whips Ty Lee away from her and into Mai as she rounds the tree which then sinks back into the ground. Azula kicks Ran-Ya away from her and Bing falls from the panther's back as they roll through the dirt. Azula turns to Kali, aware that this is different. She's stronger now.

"You don't think your brother hasn't been telling me all your little tricks," Kali tells Azula. "Just in case..." She turns to Appa who has shifted to his feet to leave the cave. "Go, Appa! Fly away from here!" She orders of him. Appa lets out a noise and then takes off. Kali manages to dodge another blast of blue flame and then rolls to her feet, throwing out a hand, a large thorn appears in her hand and she launches it at Mai who is sent flying back into a tree, pinned in place.

"Huh?" Mai asks as she looks at the thorn with discontent. Ty Lee and Azula share a look before Azula nods for her to go around Kali. To box her in. Azula keeps Kali's focus on her as she moves, trying to keep her gaze from Ty Lee who rushes around the edge of Kali's vision. Ty Lee lunges at Kali but she is grabbed behind by a vine that pulls her back into a tree where she is bound to its trunk by more vines, she struggles against the bark ropes, and Mai is trying to pull the thorn from the tree behind her. Azula and Kali charge at each other, Kali holds out her hand and in her hand a wooden bat forms, just as Azula readies another fireball, Kali swings the bat, hitting Azula in the face. The firebender goes flying back from Kali who looks down at the bat in her hand and raises an eyebrow.

"Wow," She whispers and swings it again. That was rather effective. She glances across at Azula, who is slumped against a tree, unconscious, the tree reaches down with a branch and pats the girl on the head before making a thumbs up at Kali. Kali looks at the three of them and chuckles to herself, moving toward Ran-Ya and Bing. Picking them both up, she hums to herself as she walks away, patting the mongoose lizards softly as she passes them. They then decide they might be better off with Kali, and follow her.


Kali sits on the roof outside of her apartment staring up at the night sky with a smile. She's proud of herself. She stood up and fought for herself. Defended herself. Able to use multiple different bending techniques at the same time. She controlled that field of battle. All by herself. She chuckles and leans back slightly. She did that. By herself. She looks up at the sky again and then sits up sharply.

"Appa" She whispers seeing him flying through the sky. She smiles softly. With Momo around, and now Appa making his way into the city, it means that the Avatar has to be here. She pushes herself up and runs across the rooftop in the direction he is flying. Perhaps she can make it up to Zuko for leaving by finding the Avatar for him. That would make him happy. That's what he wanted. The Avatar. Appa is starting to fly lower and lower until he disappears between the buildings. Kali takes a running jump between the rooftops and slides down the tiles till she is on the edge. She hisses and leans back, shifting into the shadows as a figure emerges from the shadows of an alley below. But it is not the Avatar. And whoever it is, Appa is not okay with him being there, he growls and takes a step back. The man earthbends the slab of rock beneath him, causing it to swirl around and capture Appa underground. Kali stands up straight and stares at where Appa had just been standing. Gone. He's gone. She clenches her jaw, annoyed with herself for not stepping in. She took on Azula, she could take on one earthbender. She shakes her head and leans back. She doesn't know what to do.


Zuko sits on the roof of the building across from his and Iroh's upper-ring home. Rests his elbows on his knees as he turns a white flower around in his hand. Something flutters close to his head and he reaches up, snatching it from the air before he pulls it closer to look over it. A missing poster for Appa. He looks up and notices several of them falling. He glances down again at the Appa poster. It means that the Avatar is in the city. He could go home, make things better, and make them see Kali as she is. She wouldn't have to hide away. She wouldn't have to be alone. He wouldn't have to be alone. He stands and then walks towards the apartment's open window behind him.


Zuko enters the apartment where Iroh is watering their plants with a little watering can, there is a teapot on the boil on the stove and Iroh whistles to himself. Zuko pauses a moment just to watch him. Neither of them has been very happy since Kali left. Iroh lost a friend as much as Zuko did. They both love her, even if in different ways. But they both miss her. Zuko clears his throat and Iroh turns to him, Zuko holds out the flier to him.

"The Avatar is here in Ba Sing Se and he's lost his bison" Zuko points out as Iroh takes the flier from him to look over it.

"We have a chance for a new life here" Iroh reminds him. "If you start stirring up trouble, we could lose all the good things that are happening for us

"Good things that are happening for you!" Zuko snaps and that might have more to do with Kali leaving than anything else. Everything seems to be working out for Iroh, with his teahouse and the apartment. Zuko is just there. "Have you ever thought that I want more from life than a nice apartment and a job serving tea?"

"There is nothing wrong with a life of peace and prosperity" Iroh answers. "I suggest you think about what it is that you want from your life and why"

"I want my destiny" Zuko argues.

"What that means is up to you" Iroh assures him, but Zuko doesn't want to hear it. He wanted permission to go back to being the old him. The 'honour' him. Zuko walks away, going into the next room and slamming the door behind him. He lets out an angry breath and sits on the edge of his bed, burying his head in his hands. Without Kali, there is nothing for him left here. Suddenly, Bing smacks Zuko in the back of his head with his ear and Zuko cries out, reaching back before he turns. Seems to then realise that he's not alone.

"Bing?" He asks and lowers his hand. His eyes instantly look around for Kali. "Where is she?" Instead of Kali, there is Bing and a pygmy panther who growls at him.

"Here" He turns and finds her lounging in his open window now. She waves sheepishly. Feeling a little embarrassed actually. It's been a long time for them. His hair is longer. His clothing is more refined with his and Iroh's status in the Upper Ring. She's changed too. He can see it. there is more strength to her stance. She's not slouched over, but standing tall. And not just physically changed, she's changed her clothing too. Gone is the brown. Instead, she's replaced the skirt and top with a deep green dress that looks stunning on her. The floral shawl draped around her adds a new level to her skin. She kept the shoes he got her and her little bag, her necklace and earrings. But he does note, that her collar is finally gone from around her neck. 

"Kali" He whispers and moves closer to her, holding out his hand to help her through the window. She lets out a relieved breath. There seems to be no hostility here. He's just happy to see her. He pulls her into a hug the second that he can and she lets out a breath, sinking into his hold. 

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