Chapter Fifty-Nine

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As the sun begins to rise, Kali is outside of her hut and setting her pack onto the side of the mongoose lizard waiting for her. She only has the heart to take one of them, leaving the other two to remain here. She knows that, despite Alchemilla, the naturebenders will look after them. Bing sits on a patch of grass close by with his new friends. The others of his kind all curled up together. He's torn between staying and leaving with her. Kali lets out a breath and turns to the hut she was using. Zuko has already left. The hour before. They didn't want to waste any time. And they didn't want to give Alchemilla her chance at forcing him out. They've said their goodbyes for now. She has to have hope that she will see him again. She has to. She takes a breath and rolls her wrist. Producing a flame. Turns out that she found the rage needed to manifest flames. What Alchemilla said to Zuko, that she tried to control Kali's life and the people in it, that is her rage. She throws the fireball at the hut and it instantly catches fire. She lets out a breath as she watches it burn before picking up Ran-Ya as he brushes up against her. Alchemilla is with the naturebenders that rush towards the burning hut. Kali stands outside of it, watching it burn. Ran-Ya is still in her arms and a mongoose lizard waiting behind her.

"Kalini" Alchemilla states, Kali turns to her. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Zuko told me what you said to him," Kali tells her. "That you were going to force him to leave because he told Kenji the truth about what's outside...." The other naturebenders share a look. Kali stands up taller. "Hide behind your Soul Tree all you want, but there is a whole wide world out there waiting. The Fire Nation is not in control of it all. There are other benders out there, I've met them.....the Avatar is out there, I've seen him..." Whispers spread now and from the look Alchemilla gives her, Kali knows that Zuko was right about why she wanted him to leave. Truth. "Zuko will not be punished again for telling the truth...for being honourable" She steps closer to the older naturebender. "Think about controlling my life again, make a choice for me again...I'll come back and burn the rest of this place to the ground" She threatens Alchemilla before she climbs onto the mongoose lizard and rides away with Ran-Ya. Bing whines from his group before he races after Kali, bouncing up behind her on the lizard mount.


The Soul Tree gives way to the forest that Kali and Zuko were initially dragged into. Kali rides through the trees on the mongoose lizard. She knows she is doing the right thing, but she feels bad for leaving them all back there under Alchemilla's control. They don't deserve that. When she has done what she has to with the Avatar, when Zuko finds her, she will come back here and set them free.

"Kali!" She stops the mongoose lizard and looks back to find Adair waving for her as he runs towards her. He catches up with her but keeps a respectable distance. "What you said?" He asks. "Is it true?"

"Every word...." She answers. "Alchemilla has been keeping you all locked away's not perfect, the world, and it needs help, but it's not a lost cause like she said...." He nods a little, seemingly taking in the words before he takes a step closer.

"Zuko is a fine young man, what he did for you....the way he is with you..." Adair closes his eyes. "I will be sending scouting parties to the four corners of the earth" He assures her. "Alchemilla will not hold our opinions any longer...and I will show the others" She smiles softly and nods.

"And Alchemilla?" She asks.

"Will be contained to her hut for now...." He offers. "We do not have a prison and we do not believe in death as a punishment...but she won't control us. My father has taken over her duties for now, until we elect a new leader" He glances back over his shoulder before returning his attention to Kali. "Will you come back with me?" He asks.

"I can't" She argues sadly. "I have to find the Avatar...he needs a naturebender...." Adair nods and lets out a breath.

"You will be welcome here again, Sister" He offers. "And should you need can call on me"

"Why are you so quick to trust me over a woman that has led your people for so long?" She asks. He lets out a breath.

"Because I believe we are family, Kalini" He admits and takes a blue lily from his belt. "I can see it in your face" He adds and holds out the flower. "You remind me so much of my sister that I had to ask my father....he said that my mother had a sister, a nomad....married young, they had a daughter....No one knows what happened to them but...I think that daughter is you" Kali lets out a breath and slides from the lizard. "I wasn't sure at first, but you look so much like Fida...I think we are cousins" he moves closer to her and pins the lily to her belt. "I don't know what your father's flower was, can wear mine until...." He shrugs. "There are archives here, family histories, I will do some research..."

"But I look too much like your sister for you to think that we are not related?" She asks, he hums and nods.

"She has slightly more orange hair and a scar here" He touches his own face under his jaw. "She tripped and fell into a stream when she was little...but yes." He gives her a soft smile. "You should meet her when you come back" She smiles and nods. 

"I will" She assures him warmly. The two of them share a look and he takes a deep breath before heading back towards the entrance of Tian Tang where an older naturebender is waiting for him. A male with very close features. Adair's father. He lets out a breath and turns to his son.

"You didn't tell her all of it" He accuses.

"She has things to do" Adair argues as they both watch Kali ride away. "She will be okay" He assures his father. "And she will be back"

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