Chapter Seventy-Two

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Hama was apprehended by the same prisoners that she kept in chains but to get there, Katara was forced to do things she didn't want to. Forced to use a bending technique that she had never considered before. But she did it to save the people that she loves. She did it to save Aang and Sokka. Bloodbending. Kali had never considered that either as an aspect of water. She never thought someone would be evil enough to even consider trying to control people with that. People control other people every single day without the need of bending. As if they need an easier way to do it. Kali stares down at the ground where there was once lively green grass, but now only brown dehydrated grass sits. It's a sad sight for her. To see nature treated this way. To have all the water stolen from them until they are on the brink of true destruction. Kali lets out a breath as she kneels, digging her fingers into the dead grass as Katara moves towards her, brushing the tears from her cheeks. The weight of the day sitting heavy on her shoulders.

"She pulled water from them" Katara explains, Kali nods a little, she knows. She can hear them now. Now that they are willing to talk to her. The threat has been dealt with.

"That's why they were scared to talk to me" She points out and then looks up at Katara. "Because I was with you" Katara frowns a little. "They were scared of waterbenders"

"I would never" Katara starts and Kali chuckles a little.

"They know now" She assures her warmly and then closes her eyes as she leans forward towards the grass. Suddenly, the greenery flushes with life. Erupting around her as she brings them back to life. Katara lets out a soft breath as she watches Kali. She can't see how this person, this loving, peaceful, compassionate person fell in love with Zuko of all people. Not after everything he's done. Everything his people have done. "Are you okay?" Kali asks without looking at Katara who shrugs a little.

"I don't know" She whispers. "I...what I did..." Kali hums a little and lifts her eyes to meet Katara's own.

"You had to do it to save Sokka and Aang..." Kali assures her and then nods to the grass to explain how she knew what she did. Katara lets out a small laugh and then nods, but it feels flat, she still feels terrible about what she did. No matter the reasoning behind it. "You did what you had to do" Katara gives her a sad look. "Not one of us blames you" Kali assures her warmly. Kali looks down at her palm as she turns it up and a flower manifests there. She holds out the flower to Katara and smiles warmly at her. Katara takes it and sighs softly. She knows that Kali is right. But it is hard for her to wrap her heart around it.


Kali holds Bing in her arms as she stares out at the landscape. Ran-Ya rubs up against her leg. Behind her, the others are packing up the camp and getting ready to leave. Kali doesn't have a need for a tent when she can grow one from a tree. She doesn't take long to pack up in the morning. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. Now that Hama has gone, there is a peace that has settled over nature here. An ease and a comfort. She feels good about what they did.

"Kali!" Sokka shouts as he climbs up onto Appa. Kali opens her eyes and then nods even if there is a part of her that hurts. Because every single day she is not reunited with Zuko, she hurts. Some part of her wakes up every single morning thinking that he'll show up. And it hurts when he doesn't. But she knows he will. She still believes that they will be reunited. Soon. She turns and heads towards Appa with her animal friends. She knows that they have a plan moving forward, she hasn't been told much, she hasn't been with them long enough for them to have had the time to sit down and go through their plan, much like getting started on Aang's naturebending.


Some koala sheep are sleeping, as Kali, Katara, Sokka, Aang, and Toph come out of the bushes, along with their small cluster of animals. Sokka looks at a map, while everyone else looks around. Momo jumps over on Aang's shoulder, as Aang scratches his head.

"This is it!" Sokka states, lowering the map and nodding at Kali. "The official rendezvous point for the invasion force" Kali moves into the centre of the clearing and kneels in the grass, digging her finger into it as she closes her eyes. It's late and they don't have the energy to set up camp, so Kali offered to set up tonight's camp. From the ground, the grass grows up from the ground, twisting and turning and weaving into five different tents. Sokka lets out a relieved breath.

"How did you pick this place?" Toph asks.

"Before we split up, my dad and I found this island on the map" Sokka explains. "It's uninhabited, and the harbours surrounded by the cliffs seemed like the perfect secluded place"

"Nice choice, Sokka. And we're here five days ahead of schedule." Katara praises her brother and then touches Kali's shoulder to thank her for the camp.

"Wait! Five days? The invasion's in five days?" Aang asks, his voice getting louder and squeaker with each word as the realisation sinks in.

"Whatever" Sokka mumbles through a yawn, already heading to one of the tents. "That's like five days from now. Let's just calm down and..." He drops to the ground and crawls into the tent, promptly falling asleep before he can finish his statement.

"Sokka's got the right idea, Aang" Katara agrees, moving towards another tent, Toph shuffling along behind her. "We're here. We're ready. The best thing we can do now is get plenty of rest" Katara crawls into a tent. Aang doesn't look as convinced as the others.

"I guess" Aang whispers half-heartedly, kicking at the ground as his friends fall asleep. Not Kali though. She shifts closer to him.

"Would you like to get started on some naturebending?" Kali asks him, he lets out a breath and glances at her. She looks just as tired as the others, but she is willing to stay up for him. He shrugs a little. Both yes and no. He really wants to find out how to naturebend, but he doesn't want his friend to suffer for him. "An hour..." She offers. The two of them share a look and he smiles softly. A compromise.

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