Chapter Sixty-Nine

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In the barn behind the inn, Kali sits cross-legged among the small menagerie they are travelling with. Appa happily munches on a large pile of cabbages. A pile of berries and nuts sit in front of Momo who chitters as he eats. Ran-Ya is curled up against Kali's side and Bing is playing with a ball of string. Kali is going to be sleeping out here with these guys for now. She really cannot spend another night in the inn. Whatever is going on here is making her incredibly uncomfortable. Plus she is really missing Zuko and sleeping alone isn't helping. Being around the animals helps alleviate some of that. She drops her hand on Ran-Ya's head softly to scratch at his fur. It's calming. Being with them and away from that building. She just wishes that the trees were willing to explain to her what is going on, what has them so scared, so she can help them. She hates feeling like she is failing them. She sighs and then leans back on her hands as she closes her eyes. Basking in the better aura in here. It's almost enough to forget about the uncomfortable aura outside. Almost. Appa grumbles, sounding disappointed. Kali chuckles as she leans up. Appa grumbles again. He's asking for more food. But she doesn't know if giving him more is a good idea. She's given him exactly as much as he needs, asking for more is an ask of greed.

"I don't know" She starts with a small smile. She finds it hard to say no to the animals when they ask her for anything, but Appa is their mount, his health is important to their journey. If he eats too much, he might get sick. And then they get stuck. She sighs a little and then pushes herself to her feet to approach Appa. She can give him something, a little more. But that will be it. "One more" She warns him as she drops the cabbage onto the floor in front of the bison. "Alright?" She pats his head before she goes back to her spot on the floor with Ran-Ya.


Later, Kali sleeps against Appa's side, a blanket thrown over her. Ran-Ya, Bing, and Momo are all curled up with her, sleeping soundly. It was much easier for Kali to sleep in here with them than it was for her in the inn. She hopes that they are not going to be spending too much longer here. Hopefully, they can figure out what is going on before they leave. It would feel worse if they left everything feeling like this.


The next morning, Sokka leads the way as he, Toph, Kali, and Aang wander around the outside of the village, trying to uncover any signs of disruption that would anger the spirits. To try and figure out just what is going on here. Which is exactly what Kali wanted. And they all seem to be agreeing with her, well, mostly. Katara is still hung up on Hama and that was just made worse by the reveal that the woman herself is a waterbender. It's like it forced Katara closer to her. Which isn't helpful when everyone else finds something off about her. Kali doesn't know them well enough to push the matter with Katara. But it seems the others aren't willing to do it that way either. Kali suddenly shivers, an entire shudder running through her as the trees echo a message of pain to her. She stops in her steps and closes her eyes. Feeling it all. Something is pushing them into action enough that they are pushing to warn her about something. They are still too afraid to tell her exactly what it is. Which doesn't really help them. It's okay though. If they are afraid, she isn't about to blame them for it. It does scare her though. She's never seen plants acting like this. She glances over at Aang as he stands with his hands on his hips, glancing around.

"This has got to be the nicest natural setting in the Fire Nation" He points out. "I don't see anything that would make a spirit mad around here" Sokka is deeply inhaling the aroma of a bundle of flowers close by.

"Maybe the Moon Spirit just turned mean" Toph comments causing Sokka to turn on her.

"The Moon Spirit is a gentle, loving lady" Sokka argues firmly, showing more anger than Kali has seen from him since joining that group. "She rules the sky with compassion and ... lunar goodness!" Kali raises an eyebrow at him when he looks at her. He clears his throat and then nudges the ground with his boot. Aang chuckles under his breath. Kali is slightly confused by the outburst but she'll let it slide. For now. She'll ask about it later though. Aang stops laughing when a villager walks past them nearby.

"Excuse me, sir" Aang races after him. "Can you tell us anything about the spirit that's been stealing people?"

"Only one man ever saw it and lived and that's Old Man Ding" The villager answers. Aang strokes his chin and turns to face the others, only to find Toph right there behind him. He squeaks and jumps.

"Where does Old Man Ding live?" Toph asks the villager.


Back in the Fire Nation capitol, Zuko lets out a breath as he rests his forehead against the nearest wall to him. Today is a bad day for him. He's missing Kali and feeling very paranoid. Everyone he passes on the street knows him. He is sure of it. They know who he is, which means that his father is going to figure out that he is here any minute now. He can't stop those thoughts from swirling around in his head. Today is a day in which he wants to just leave. To go off and find Kali. Being away from her, being alone is agonising. He closes his eyes and lets out a long breath. He's done. Whatever that feeling was, that pressure pushing him to stay's gone. He just wants to get back to Kali. He pushes away from the wall, and like that, there is something that settles in his chest. His choice. He could stay here and try and figure out whatever it is that he thinks might be here, but he feels like that might be him chasing his past. That staying here was those last slivers of the old him seeking his father's approval and his honour and this place. He just wants Kali. Behind him, the hart is lying on the ground, curled up slightly watching Zuko. The hart doesn't belong here. It doesn't belong in a crowded place. It should be able to roam and frolic or whatever it is that they do in grass. He crouches in front of the creature, raising his hand to rest it on its snout.

"Time to go" He tells the hart who makes a noise of agreement, leaning into Zuko's touch. He is grateful to the animal, more than it will likely ever know, for its companionship in the face of loneliness.


A/N – Do you guys think it will change much if Zuko joins the group before the invasion, or if it should still be after? Like how do you think Zuko being directly involved in the invasion would change things??

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