Chapter 2: Italy

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I woke up to Bella shaking me.

"Ariaaaa it's time to wake up. We need to pack." Bella told me as I groaned.

"Do we need to?" I replied

"Well shit if you don't want to pack then I guess no Italy for us!" She told me with a smirk over her face.

"I FORGOT ABOUT THAT!" I said as my eyes shot open and I quickly got out of bed.

"Again with the nightgowns? Why do you like them so much. Shorts and a shirt are so much better." She said as I ran over to my closet.

"Hey. That's rude. I think I look fantastic in this nightgown, plus who knows when some handsome mystery man will somehow snake his way into my bed without me knowing." I say joking about the last part.

She chuckled and started to head out of my room. "Be ready by 3, our plane takes off at 5!" She tells me as I look at the clock.

I notice it's 9:30 pm. Not bad. I already took a shower yesterday, so I just started taking clothes from my closet and put them on my bed.

"We'll be gone for a month..." I say to myself as I struggle to figure out what I want to bring.

"If I choose these bottoms, I have to bring this top, but I also want to bring those tops.. What if I don't wear those bottoms? I brought those all for nothing. It'd all be a waste of space!!" I say groaning as I lay back down on my bed.

"Maybe I should start with toiletries.." I mumble to myself as I head to the bathroom with a few packing cubes. 

One thing we always had a lot of was suitcases and packing supplies. What's the point of having those if we never travel? I swear it's like we were destined to go on this trip. 

I grab some brushes, hair oils, toothbrush & toothpaste, hair ties, hair clips, lotions, and anything else I think I'd need and I put it into my bag. Perfect fit I thought as I brought it to my suitcase. 

I hear some mumbling outside my door as I'm packing, but decide to ignore it as I'm heading into my closet once more to grab clothes, shoes, and jewelry. 

I finished packing right at 1 pm, and by that time I was hungry. I went downstairs and was greeted by Bella and Mia who looked shocked to see me.

"You know I live here, right?" I say as I head downstairs.

"What?" They shared a confused look with each other.

"Well, you guys acted shocked at the fact that I'm out of my room, as if I'm some intruder." I say chuckling.

"Oh, we just weren't expecting you downstairs so soon." My mom says as I make my way to the fridge. 

"It's 1 o'clock." Replying to her as I closed the fridge door and began heating up lasagna. 

"I didn't realize. When did it get so late. Well, I better go pack the rest of my belongings, bye!" My mom tells me as she walks to her room.

"Weird." I reply with a weird look on my face as I eat my food.

"Hey give me some of that." Bella says as she walks over grabbing my fork.

"Hey I was eating that!"

"Not anymore." She laughs taking a few bites and walking upstairs.

"I'm going to bring my suitcase down around 3:00, in the meantime I have some catching up to do on Grey's Anatomy. Bye." Bella says as I turn around to yell at her

"I'M JOINING YOU FOR GREY'S!" Yelling while getting up from my seat.

This lasagna sucks, what is it like 3 days old? I think to myself as I begin to throw it away.

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