Chapter 3: Trapped

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I wake up to a loud sound. I hear people walk in as I try to remember what happened.

I must've been drugged after I was walking around..

I open my eyes to see two men looking at me, both stone cold expressions on their face. 

"What the hell is going on? Why am I here? I was just trying to take a walk man." I say with an annoyed look in my face. 

If I'm honest, death doesn't really scare me. It's something I've come to terms with because we'll all die one day so fuck it. There was a thought in the back of my mind saying "What if?", but I ignored that.

"Well you're certainly awake." Says one of the guys with a smirk on his face.

"I'm Carlos, and this is Diego." He points over to the other. 

Carlos had black curly hair, and brown eyes meanwhile Diego had green eyes and brown curly hair. If I'm being honest here, they're both hot as hell. However they don't hold a candle to that guy in Louisa's.. Whew. 

"And? Why the fuck am I here. And tied up? Shit. Kinky." I say growing a smirk on my face as I say the last word.

"Well one could say that you belong here." Diego says as he steps closer to me.

"Just on the wrong side of things." He continues

"What does that mean? I literally just flew here today how the fuck do I belong here?" 

Carlos seems to step towards until he's inches from my face.

"Careful princess, you'd better watch that mouth of yours." He smirks, but backs away quickly as I hear someone else enter the room.

Is that.. the guy from Louisa's?? Why the hell is he here?

"I recognize you from earlier today. Why am I here?" I ask as he begins to walk towards Carlos and Diego.

"Good question. Why are you here? Why are you in Italy?" He asks me as I have a confused look growing on my face.

"I'm here because my mom decided to vacation here? I don't fucking know, might as well ask everyone why they travel in the first place. Maybe because they want to go to other pla-" I say being cut off by him tilting my chair slightly backwards as he starts talking over me.

"You know, giving me this much attitude. How rude, Aria." He says as I give him a confused look.

"Ok 1. I was kidnapped by two random ass people I've never seen before and now I'm being held hostage for no reason, and 2. How the hell do you know my name?" I say not phased by the chair. 

"Well it seems you really were kept in the dark." He says

I begin to think about the events that happened earlier today. Wait, was he apart of the mafia too? I mean looking around I'm chained to the ground in what seems to be a torture room set up a while ago. Who the hell just casually has one of these unless you're-.. shit. I'm gonna die. 

I didn't want to mention anything about what I heard, but if I could get more answers, I wanted to take that chance.

"I only just heard about this today, in fact it's the reason I was taking a walk at 2 am in the morning, but does this have to do with the mafia?" I say hoping to get a good response.

He looks over at me, and begins smiling. "Ding ding ding. We have a lucky winner."

"Ok, but what part do I play. Why am I here? Oh and what's your name?" Looking at the strange, but hot guy.

"Well, you're simply someone I wanted to meet seeing as we're both heirs to the mafia, and my name is Leonardo." A smirk shooting across his face.

Yeah I still can't wrap my mind around that.

"Okay, hi Leonardo. Is that all? Because I was really enjoying my walk, and I'd like to get back to that." I say impatiently.

"Oh no, Mia Cara. We have a lot to discuss." He grabs a chair and pulls it up to me taking a seat.

~ 1 hour later ~

"Let me get this straight. There's two parts to the Italian mafia because the mafia together was too powerful, I'm an heiress, you're an heir both to the different parts of the mafia, and I have a whole different family out there?" I say starting to laugh. 

"Is something funny, mia cara?" He says looking straight at my eyes.

I can't lie and say that the eye contact he gave me didn't give me butterflies cause fuck that was hot. 

"Everything about this. This is a load of bullshit." I say continuing to laugh.

If I'm being honest, I kind of did believe it, but I didn't want to. I never looked like my mom, I was raised to fight and be aware, and I'm assuming this is why. 

The man turns around. "Riportala a casa. Sono sicuro che quelle due ragazze che la vegliano saranno preoccupate. Sono sicuro che ci incontreremo presto comunque." He tells the men.
Take her back home. I'm sure that those two girls watching over her are going to be concerned. I'm sure we'll be meeting soon anyways.

Idiot, I know Italian. However, I am not mentioning that, I just secured a one way ticket out of hell. 

The men began to untie me as they led me outside. Before I got outside, they put a bag over my head I'm assuming to make sure I can't see the house, and put me into a car. I hear them get into the car with me. Great I have to be with them for longer.

The driver takes off and starts driving, and after what feels like forever they finally take off the bag.

"Sorry amore, safety reasons." Winking at me while we pull up to the hotel. 

I walk up to the hotel yelling, "Arrivederci!" at them as I run into the hotel as quickly as possible. 

One of the men seemed shocked, which I think was Diego, and the other, Carlos was just chuckling. 

I head up to my room, quietly trying to open the door, but I was caught red handed. 

I was greeted by a yelling Mia, and a frantic Bella. 

"The HELL have you BEEN?" My mom asks clearly pissed.

"Funny story. I kinda got kidnapped by the mafia. I believe his name was Leonardo? Really hot. Yeah anyways I'm tired, bye." I walk past a stunned Bella and Mom.

"We need to call the La Rosa's." Mom says eyes still wide open and shocked.

"Agreed." Bella replies equally as shocked.

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