[ 𝚖𝚒 𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚊 ]

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loose translation: my dear (fem. version)

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  20 .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .

It had been tens of thousands of years since Eros visited the Overworld, so it was safe to say her sense of direction was screwed (well, that's her cover story since hardly anybody knew that she visited the Essempii all those years ago). Puffy and Halo were outside the portal, waiting ever so anxiously for their younger friend. Eros stepped out of the portal, hair done in braids, and the queen's crown, the silver crown with fluorite detailing, rested on her head. The stones complimented the tea-length dress she was wearing. Puffy eyed her heels. "Why am I not surprised you're wearing heels," she muttered then hugged Eros. The blonde smiled and pulled away. "Eret invited us to have lunch with her and Quackity this afternoon. Foolish has also been invited and so has Phil but we haven't heard from him since..." Puffy's voice trailed off and Eros reached out to squeeze her hand.

"We'll go see Eret, Fools, and this Quackity character this afternoon then travel to see Phil," she offered and Puffy nodded. Eros let go of her hand. The two older Watchers led Eros to Eret's castle and met with a very anxious Quackity in the throne room. The duck hybrid visibly relaxed at the sight of Puffy and Halo, although he tensed up a bit at the sight of Eros. Puffy waved at the male, causing his feathers to ruffle. A certain blonde-haired female's fingers twitched at the sight of the hybrid.

"How are you Quackity?" she asked, extending out a hand to help with his cufflinks. He gladly took the offer.

"A little bit worried for Eret," he murmured. A look in Puffy's eye told him to keep going, and so did Eros's body language. "She replaced the carpet in her office three different times and changed the menu twice. I think, heavy on think, she might have dismissed servants and butlers for the evening because she's been cooking all day."

"Eret's fine, preexisting jitters," Puffy hummed and motioned for Quackity to hand over his other arm. "But I mean, better the carpet in the office than in here ya'know?" Quackity let out a high-pitched whine, not too happy with the brunette's joke. "And it's customary for an Underian host to dismiss servants and butlers to cook for their guests, you can ask Eros all about it," Puffy stopped with his cufflinks and Quackity looked over her shoulder. "Speaking of whom, Quackity meet Eret's mom Eros." Quackity silently gulped as Eros made her way to the pair. She stuck out her hand and he shook it.

"Nice to finally meet you Quackity." To Quackity, her smile seemed genuine but to Puffy, it was forced. "I'm glad my daughter had someone she could trust while she's in mourning. It can be a little tough for Watchers and their children." Quackity solemnly nodded.

"I can understand what she's going through," his eyes faltered. "I lost someone who was like family a while back." Eros's faux smile dipped into a genuine frown.

"Do you know if they're in the Underworld? I can pass on a message," she offered. Quackity shook his head, "He's dormant, somewhere in a cave." The gears turned in her head. "Slime hybrids are finicky like that young one." Quackity nodded. Puffy placed a hand on her shoulder and Eros nodded. "Again, it's nice meeting you, and I'm sorry to hear about your friend." Quackity gave her a small smile and a nod, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Please, just Eros," she said. Quackity was going to say something before Foolish poked his head into the throne room and smiled at the sight of Eros.

"Auntie!" he shouted, running to her and picking her up. Eros laughed as she made sure she wouldn't fall. Quackity stepped back, trying to stay away from the green glitter that was practically falling off Foolish. "I haven't seen you in a while! How are Hallola and Malik? I heard he's having his first kid! Oh! What about Doctor Reza? The last I heard from her was when I had her come to the Overworld a few months back. And Cerberus? How's the guard god?"

"Well, if you put me down youngen I will answer all of your questions," she laughed again and Foolish set her down. "Hallola is anxious about me being here without a guard, Malik is having his first kid. He's super scared and thinks he's gonna mess everything up. I told him to take care of the wife and that Hallola is perfectly capable of acting head guard. Doctor Reza is Doctor Reza. She asks all the time about Callisto, wondering if I've been given any updates. Definitely send her a bird if she saw one of your kids Fools. And Cerberus is good. He's spending his days by the gates, still acting as if he's only a few years old and not a billion and a half." Foolish nodded, taking in all the information. "How're the kids? Build anything new recently?"

"Finley and Junior are well, they're taking care of their shark and totem skin. Finley had to see Reza about a possible eczema flare-up," Foolish informed her. "I helped Quackity build his city! And also Tubbo's and Ranboo's mansion for their son. I hate chandeliers," he shuddered. Eros shook her head and gave him a side hug.

"Well, you seem happy and content and that's all that matters," she commented and Foolish hummed. "Is Eret still in the kitchen?"

"Yes ma'am, go through the doorway I came from and it should be the second door on the left," he answered and Eros nodded. The blonde-haired female made eye contact with Puffy and they had a silent conversation. Puffy sighed.

"I'm gonna go see her," Eros left the throne room and walked through the dining room then into the kitchen. Eret's 6'3 figure was hovering over the stove, pots simmering ever so slightly. Eros silently grabbed two spoons and two tubs of ice cream. "Hey kiddo," she hummed, opening the tub of butter pecan. Eret whipped her head around to see her mother eating the tub of ice cream with a plastic spoon. "I have ice cream." Eret dropped her stirring spoon and stared at her mother.

"Mom?" Eret's voice broke, causing Eros's heart to shatter. She set the spoon in the ice cream and placed her hand on her face. "Is this real? Are you real?" The blonde nodded. "Oh, my Gods you're here." Eret hugged the blonde and let a few tears shed. Eros took off the crown that was on her kid's head and ran her fingers through her hair, "Mom's here little one. I'm here." Eret let out a small sob and held the blonde closer. "A little Underian tradition Puffy doesn't know about," she whispered, "Momma and Techno and I would sneak ice cream right before big dinners. It would calm our nerves and it was bonding time for us." Eret sniffled. "I have butter pecan and strawberry. Are you okay with strawberry because there is absolutely no way I'm giving up my butter pecan?" Eret laughed and pulled away.

Tears flooded Eros's eyes as she saw her daughter's face. Her fingers wrapped around the legs of her sunglasses and took them off. "There you are," she smiled then pecked her forehead. "Come here kiddo, let's eat some ice cream." Eret took the stirring spoon off the hot pot and placed it on a counter while Eros grabbed the plastic spoons and unlidded the strawberry tub.

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙  20 .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .

eros 🤝 me: deflecting problems with distractions

i love you with all the stars in the sky, 𝙏𝙀𝘾𝙃𝙉𝙊𝘽𝙇𝘼𝘿𝙀Where stories live. Discover now