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( ˈmɪz(ə)ri )

a state or feeling of great physical or mental distress or discomfort.

desolation ( dɛsəˈleɪʃ(ə)n ), torment ( ˈtɔ:mɛnt ), suffering ( ˈsʌf(ə)rɪŋ ), melancholy ( ˈmɛlənkəli ), anxiety ( aŋˈzʌɪəti ), grief ( ɡri:f ), anguish ( ˈaŋɡwɪʃ ), depression ( dɪˈprɛʃ(ə)n ), distress ( dɪˈstrɛs ), heartache ( ˈhɑ:teɪk ), agony ( ˈaɡəni )

contentment ( kənˈtɛntm(ə)nt ), pleasure ( ˈplɛʒə ), security ( siˈkjʊərɪti , sɪˈkjɔ:rɪti ), ease ( i:z ), peace ( pi:z ), relief ( rɪˈli:f )

late Middle English: from Old French miserie, from Latin miseria, from miser 'wretched'.



"Caring doesn't sometimes lead to misery. It always does."
— John Green



"War, misery, and death spared no soul, and took no pity on no family."
— Sherrilyn Kenyon



"You may be hurt if you love too much, but you will live in misery if you love to little."
— Napoleon Hill



"It's sad when the people who gave you the best memories become a memory."
— Anonymous




this book is a dark one, dark themes will be mentioned and brought up throughout and there will not be any trigger warnings before chapters. please don't read this book if topics such as child abuse, mental and physical abuse, cursing, rape, forced institutionalization, sexual assault, suicide, homophobia, death, blood, murder, suicidal thoughts and actions, self harm, gore, depression, panic attacks, alcohol and drug abuse, murder, conversion therapy, electroshock therapy, torture, racism, and many more trigger you in any way shape or form. i want all of you to prioritize your health as nothing is more important <3

christianity will be brought up in this book and it will be put in a bad light, such as being used as justifications behind many horrendous actions, especially, with racist and homophobic motivations. again if you are not comfortable reading about this i would urge you to not continue this book. i do not care what any of you believe in but i don't want any comments regarding how christianity is portrayed in this book.

i will also not tolerate any hate towards each others in the comments because you have different opinions. it's okay, good even, to disagree, but i will not have anyone hating on someone else in the comments because of their beliefs, opinions, sexuality, or so on. this is a work of fiction, it's supposed to be fun, a break from reality, not a bullying platform :)



I do not own Peaky blinder, it's canon cast or it's plot lines. All credits go to the producers, writers, actors and everyone else who made this series a reality. I do however own Isabella Shelby, and every other character i decide to add, any plot lines i decide to add, and anything not in the series, or unrecognizable, is all mine.



the story of isabella shelby has constantly been in my head and i thought it time to share her story. i've been slowly writing down her story, and her friends story, over the last couple of months, writing up a timeline, events i want to happen, why and how they are going to happen, and what that'll lead to.

as of right now i have a pretty clear idea of what i want to write and where i want to take this story, but if any of you have any ideas for plot lines or events you want for isabella or her friends, i'm all ears, i don't promise that i'll for sure use your ideas tho. but if you do have any ideas just pm me or comment!

thank you for taking your time to read this book and i hope you love it as much as i do!

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