chapter one

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Birmingham, 1909

Isabella Shelby was never a calm child. She would never sit still for more than a couple of minutes, and when she did she would either fidget with something, or shake her leg. She had way too much energy cruising through her veins. She was running around all of Small Heath, and she knew every nook and cranny of the town.

Isabella was good at making new friends, she had gotten to know most of the kids her age, but she was too energetic for most of them and didn't become anything more than acquaintances. The young girl was also known by all of Small Health's population, numerous of the older and younger people of the town were fond of the kindhearted and energetic girl, who was always running around and putting smiles on the faces of everyone she came in contact with.

The girl was always trying new things to keep her moving. By the time she had turned seven years old she had tried countless different hobbies and activities to keep her body and mind occupied, however she wasn't able to keep interested for longer than a couple of months. She had tried different sports, even though it was looked down upon and unladylike for a girl to be out participating in sports, different artistic outlets, and everything else.

She had started off with trying cricket, but grew bored after about two months. Gymnastics was the next on her list of activities, and she lasted another couple of months before she switched to ballet. She did however only last in ballet classes for a couple of days, the rules and lack of freedom within the dance annoyed her.

Isabella then started swimming and took lessons from a coach in Birmingham, but her family soon forced her to quit after they found out she preferred to stay underwater for long periods of time, and after she had fallen unconscious four times too many.

Her brother Thomas, or Tommy as he preferred to be called, who loved horses, tried to get her into riding and horses in general, and Isabella ended up actually enjoying riding a lot. But after a couple of months Tommy realized she had started to lose interest and encouraged her to try out something else, so that she wouldn't lose interest in horses and riding all together. Isabella loved riding horses, she loved the danger of galloping through forests and jumping over different obstacles – even though it would frighten Tommy almost straight into an early grave – but as with everything else she needed to do something else, as she was starting to lose interest, and she really didn't want to lose interest in horses.

The young girl was musically gifted so her mother, Katarina, had gotten her into the piano. And Isabella had potential to become a professional after she had started composing her own pieces and also learned to play the cello, but as with everything else she slowly lost interest, much to her mothers disappointment. Isabella would however keep playing the piano from time to time for her mother because it brought her joy.

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