chapter sixteen

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Atlantic Ocean, 1919

"I can't do this. Nic, this is such a bad idea. Let's just take the ship back to Biarritz. Yes, yes we'll do that. Sylvin and Vere they'll be happy we're back, and Gabs she'll buy us those croissants. We really should just go back." Isabella rambled in a panic as she kept pacing back and forth on the deck of the ship sailing towards England.

"I know we sent a letter to Finn promising him we'll be there for his birthday, but I mean we didn't say which birthday. We'll be there for his twelfth birthday. Yea, and we'll just uhm... We'll just buy him many gifts, like an insane amount. I mean a shit-ton of gifts and he'll be okay with us being a year late. Right? Yea, he'll be fine. He'll be absolutely fine."

Nicholas watched in amusement as Isabella kept pacing, she had been freaking out ever since the captain had announced that they would arrive in England today. He was pretty sure she regretted her decision to inform his parents and Finn about their return. "Belle, I believe it's a little too late to go back."

"No, no, it's never too late to do anything." She protested.

"I agree, but the port is right there. And we kind of just spent all our remaining money on the train tickets." Nicholas points towards the horizon, where the port was slowly becoming bigger.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, why did we use all our money to get drunk and high? Why did you allow me to spend all our fucking money to have an awesome time on this stupid shi-" Isabella groaned. "Nic, you're supposed to be the smart one!"

"Since when!? You're the smart one. Not me."

"No I'm not."

"What?! Isabella stop playing dumb. Miss almost a doctor and surgeon."

"Whaaat? That's not me." Isabella pathetically lied, refusing to meet Nicholas' eyes. "Did you know that this astronomer guy called Edward Emerson Barnard, who discovered the high proper motion of the star of the second closest star system to ours, he used to want to be a photographer and so he became an assistant to another photographer when he was like nine years old. And years later he discovered a comet but he was stupid and didn't announce it. And another person probably also found it, but after him and then the comet probably got named after him, which sucks. But now he's probably going to get a star named him, which is badass and amazing."

"If that happens that would be the greatest revenge. And by the way, we're almost there so we should probably go to our cabin and get our bags."

"No. I can swim and you can swim, so we should jump off right here and swim back. Stop dragging me. No! Nic! Let go!"

"Stop screaming." Nicholas laughed as he kept an arm around Isabella.

"Ah! I'm getting kidnapped! Help!" Isabella tried getting out of Nicholas' hold, but in return Nicholas wrapped both his arms around her. The people standing around were watching the teenagers in horror and awe, some thought the girl was actually getting kidnapped whereas others found the two teens playing around to be cute. "Why did you have to take those martial arts and boxing classes with me?"

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