chapter five

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Birmingham, 1910

"And then the bird- I named it Carl, it looked like a Carl. You guys know those old men that are always mad at everything and everyone, they always have a boring name like Carl. But so Carl, you know the bird, looked really funny at me and Nic, like Arthur looks when he's angry. And Carl was just looking and looking and I was sure we were going to die. He was definitely planning our murder. I mean we only ate some scones Papa had made, and then he showed up, looking at us like we killed his baby. But it was a good scone, I wasn't going to give it up. I am sure Carl was mad we dared eat food in front of him without sharing. I mean come on it was a good scone, it even had jam and everything. And then you know what happened? He sud- wait no, guess what!?" Isabella rambled about her day.

It had been a couple weeks since Arthur Sr. had left the family with nothing. Currently the siblings were eating supper together and Isabella hadn't stopped talking about a bird she had seen while playing outside with Nicholas.

"What." Tommy said, smiling while listening to Isabella's ramblings.

"No, you have to guess Tommy."

"It flew away." Tommy guessed.

John rolled his eyes at Tommy's boring guess, before guessing himself. "Boring. Carl grew a tail and became a rat, and called for all his other bird and rat friends to come attack you."

"That would have been awesome! But you're wrong, any other guesses?"

"He tried to fly away but then he fell down and died, and then Nicholas turned into a tiny green bird and he pooped in your hair. And then he flew away." John amused Isabella with another ridiculous guess.

"Gross. No. Okay since you're too stupid to guess I'll tell you. So Carl started walking away and Nic and I were like 'phew, we survived'. But then he suddenly turned around and flew at us! I thought I was going to die. And we tried to run away. And then Carl bites Nic's scone and then flies away with it!" The family let out fake shocked gasps, entertaining the girl.

"I know. But that wasn't even the worst part. So we're both sad he stole Nic's scone but I tell him we can share mine, because I'm nice like that. And so when we're walking to the playground, guess who comes back? Carl! And he's flying right at us. And I look down and see my half eaten scone and I think that I have to eat it. He isn't going to get my scone too, that's selfish of him! Didn't his mum teach him some manners. I mean come on Carl, you already got one scone, that's enough. But then Carl stoops down and bites down on my scone. My scone! And flies away with it. He was this close to my face. And he even bit my hand. Look! It started bleeding and everything." Isabella showed the bandaid – a nice lady had given her – she had over the bite.

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