chapter twenty

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Birmingham, 1919

"Fucking shit. Why did I have to come? Huh? To watch you throw your fists and go all mad? If so, I had so much fun, my favorite pastime, watching a fight, so so much fun. Yay. I just wanted to sleep, all day, just get some fucking sleep. But no, I had to watch you all go fucking psycho and defend mums bloody honor. So much fun. I mean learn to take a fucking 'your mum' joke. But no matter, it was so so so entertaining. Oh jolly, very fun." Isabella complained, causing Finn to laugh.

"Haven't you had fun, Finn. Watching grown ass men throw punches, acting like bloody children, instead of going to the fair, eh? I personally had the time of my bloody fucking life. Yay, fighting. Woo-bloody-hoo." Finn shook his head, his body still shaking with laughter. He hadn't had a great time, but he was having very fun listening to Isabella criticize their brothers' behavior.

Arthur, Tommy and John let out annoyed sighs, almost simultaneously, at Isabella's continued rant. Arthur and John wouldn't dare admit it, but getting in a fight over a comment about their mum was quite wasteful and stupid on their part.

Tommy however, was happy that everything went according to his plan, well almost everything. He had not expected Isabella to somehow get her hands on a gun and firing it in their direction, causing the fight to break apart. He had also not taken into account the long, everlasting, rant from Isabella. They would soon be back in Small Heath, and Isabella had not stopped complaining.

Driving into their town, the brothers gaped in shock at the streets. It was absolute chaos, it almost looked as if an earthquake had hit the town. There was furniture all over the streets, causing Tommy to slow the car down. People were out carrying their furniture back inside. Many folks were sitting around, all bloodied and bruised, getting patched up.

Those standing around, looked at the car driving by in anger and mistrust.

"Now what the bloody hell's been going on here?" Arthur looked out on the streets in utter disbelief.

"Jesus Christ." Tommy mumbled as he continued slowly driving.

"What in the shit!?" Isabella exclaimed once she too noticed the state of the streets. She hurriedly jumped out from the still moving car and started running, concern filling her entire being, despite her brother's shouts of protest. "Fuck! Nic!"

Isabella felt as if her heart was about to beat out of her chest. Nicholas couldn't be hurt, she wouldn't be able to go on without him. She had been without him for a couple hours, and she had barely been able to keep herself calm. And if it wasn't for the stupid fight her brothers and the Lee's had gotten into, she would've definitely had a panic attack and probably passed out because of it.

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