chapter twenty-four

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Birmingham, 1919

After days spent inside for both Isabella and Nicholas, Edward had finally been able to get the duo out of his dining room and out into the fresh-ish Small Heath air.

The duo were drinking their Thursday away in the Garrison's private room playing chess and ignoring the horrible singing coming from outside, while the rest of their friends were all at school, except for Eric who was attending university.

"Look Nic, what I am saying is that I am pretty sure I can replicate any of Da Vinci's work, and they'll be sold for a good sum." Isabella explained her current idea to Nicholas. "Before you say anything. Yes, it is illegal. But, as you like to say, everything is legal as long as you don't get caught."

"You might be onto something." Nicholas said, he didn't know if it was because of the alcohol, but what Isabella was saying did somewhat make sense. He had seen Isabella's artistic ability and he was sure she could replicate Da Vinci's work.

"Thank you! I might actually do it. It could be something fun to do." Isabella excitedly picked up her beer and took a sip. "Other than all the schooling, and the list, and Hatter, and Finn's homework, and everything else."

"You're not going to, but you should probably add a nap in between all those things." Nicholas gave his opinion as he kept his eyes on his stupid white pieces which were stupidly losing against Isabella's black pieces.

"How's pretty girl doing? I know you saw her when you ran out a couple days ago for ice cream." Isabella watched as a slight smile formed on Nicholas' face.

"She... Fuck, Belle. She's perfect. She's absolutely perfect. I want to make her my wife." Nicholas happily talked as he finally moved his rook and captured one of Isabella's pawns. "You need to meet her. You really do. You are going to absolutely love her."

"She makes you happy and all red, I adore her already." Isabella smiled at the happy look in Nicholas' eyes. "Wife, eh? I would love a Nicholas and pretty girl wedding, as long as it is not in a church."

"Never. I am never stepping into a church again."

Isabella chuckled as she moved a knight and captured Nicholas' rook, the same rook that endangered itself by capturing her pawn. "Imagine the desert at your wedding. I am getting hungry just thinking about it. We are going to serve all those french delicates, croissants, pain au chocolates, macarons. And we will also have some cake, but we will allow pretty girl to chose the cake so she gets to choose something-"

"Yes, probably. It's her wedding too after all. And we will have ice cream, so many flavors. Strawberry because obviously, vanilla, chocolate, caramel, mint, butter pecan, and so many more. And we will have so much alcohol, we will even have an alcohol ice cream." Nicholas groaned in annoyance as he looked at the board, knowing he was going to lose once again.

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