chapter thirty

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Birmingham, 1919

His flat was eerily silent as he stepped through his front door. His flat was, as usual, encased in darkness, however for some reason the hairs on the back of his neck stood while goosebumps covered his arms.

Stupidly he decided to ignore the feeling deep inside his gut, the feeling which shouted at him to run, to seek sanctuary somewhere else.

The decision would cost him his life.

He locked the door before he shrugged off his outerwear and threw his key onto the small table by the door.

As his gut feeling all but ate scratched up his insides, he walked further into his small flat and into the kitchen, where he poured himself a glass of whiskey. He hummed to himself as he made his way to his couch and sat down, sipping on his drink while not bothering to light any candles or turn on the light.

Isabella watched the man in keen interest from her hiding spot in the corner of the room, Nicholas beside her. They shared a look before Nicholas loudly cleared his throat.

They watched as the man shouted in horror. "Who's there?!"

They stayed silent.

"Whoever's there fucking show yourselves!"

Isabella dragged her nails across the wall, the high pitched noise piercing.

He shouted in terror this time, quickly getting up to his feet and holding his cup out in front of him as if it was a weapon.

Nicholas used his noises to hide his footsteps, which led him to stand behind the man with an empty beer bottle in his hands. Isabella used the noise to make her way to the light switch.

"Boo!" She shouted as she flipped the switch, the light turning on at the same time as he screamed in terror and Nicholas hit him over the head with the bottle. Both watching in keen fascination as he fell to the floor, unconscious.

Chuckling when their eyes met.

"That was easier than I thought." Isabella said before she made her way to his dining table and grabbed one of the chairs, dragging it to the middle of the room. While Nicholas dragged the unconscious body by its leg towards the rooms centre.

As they met in the middle, they grabbed onto one of the man's arms each and dragged him up and onto the chair.

"Heavier than he looks." She huffed out a breath, after she had let go of his arm. "Get the rope."

"Where did you put it?" He asked.

She shrugged.

"Didn't you bring it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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