chapter two

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Birmingham, 1909

Isabella had been bedridden for days after, what she had creatively dubbed, the swizzled doctor incident. She thought it to be a hilarious nickname and loved the dirty looks she would receive from her family, who hated that she was amused by the incident that petrified them. She would also force them to call it 'the swizzled doctor incident', or she wouldn't answer them when they asked about anything regarding it.

"Slow the fuck down Bella!" The second Isabella had gotten the all clear from her aunt, she had started running all around the town. After being stuck in bed for days she had all this left over energy that needed to be let out. And poor Tommy had been running after the young energetic girl all day.

"No! I can't! We're playing Tag!" She laughed out loud.

"When the fuck did we agree upon that?!" Tommy had been running after the young girl for hours, and it would be an understatement to say he was irritated by now. He was beyond tired after running for hours, yet Isabella seemed to keep gaining more and more energy, the longer she kept running. "Come on. Let's go see the horses and Uncle Charlie eh."

"No! I'm winning!"

"Fucks sake." Tommy breathed out, he was finding it harder to breathe and was in desperate need of a break. He couldn't fathom how Isabella hadn't tired herself out, Tommy was also worried she was straining herself too much after the swizzled doctor incident.

Where the fuck was her energy coming from?!

"Stop! Please!"


The people of Small Heath stepped out of the way when the duo ran past. Hearing the girl laugh brought smiles upon most faces, no one had seen the sweet girl for weeks. Rumors explaining the girl's disappearance had been spread all over the town and many believed the girl to have passed away, so seeing her alive, happy, and running around brought on relieved smiles.

"You will never catch me!"

"Isabella Shelby! Stop! Right now!"

"No! You have to catch me!"

Tommy kept running after Isabella trying to catch her, for almost another hour before she, thankfully, came to a sudden halt and turned around to face him. Tommy slowed down and jogged over to where she stood, waiting for him. When he reached her he grabbed onto her shoulder to keep her from running away, and bent over to catch his breath, he felt like he was seconds away from falling over.

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