chapter seventeen

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Birmingham, 1919

"I told you we should have taken that swim back to France." Isabella whispered to Nicholas as she watched the chaos unfold before them.

"Yes, we really should have." Nicholas whispered back, as he, Isabella, and Finn stood in the doorway of the Shelby homes backdoor, watching a beaten and bloodied Arthur get treated as John and Ada stood arguing above him.

"I'm a trained nurse!" Ada insisted.

Arthur wheezed out a laugh before wincing. "Don't make me laugh, it hurts me face."

"I bloody am." Ada argued as she walked around the dining room table.

"You went to one first aid class in the church hall and got thrown out for giggling." John chuckled at Ada's insistence.

"Not before I learned how to stop somebody from choking."

"I'm not bloody choking, am I?" Arthur stated to Ada in who poured water into a bowl. Polly, who was sitting and wrapping Arthurs broken finger, rolled her eyes at the squabbling siblings.

"You will be when I wrap this cloth round your neck."

"Let me see him." Tommy walked in before any of the boys could say something else. "All right, have this."

He handed Arthur a bottle of rum, which Arthur gladly drank from, as Tommy wet a cloth in the water Ada had poured.

"Give me that." Taking the bottle away from Arthur, Tommy poured a generous amount of rum on the cloth before pressing it on the wound on Arthur's face, causing him to wince. "You're all right."

"He said Mr Churchill sent him to Birmingham..." Isabella impulsively decided to make her way into the kitchen to look for some whiskey. Ignoring the madness taking place behind her she started looking for the alcohol she knew was hidden in here somewhere.

"Hey, what are you looking for?" Nicholas quietly asked as he too had made his way into the kitchen.

"Alcohol." Isabella answered as she closed another drawer after coming up empty, again. "Help me look."

"Sure. But what about the guys back in the other room?" Nicholas started looking through the kitchen as well.

"Let them argue, whatever that was, out. And also it got painful watching them do such a bad and wrong job at trying to help Arthur. I mean, come on, it is not that difficult to wrap a broken finger." Isabella tutted as she climbed atop a chair to get a better view on the upper shelves.

Finn walked into the kitchen watching the duo look through every nook and cranny. After silently watching them he decided to take pity on them. "There's no alcohol. Arthur and John have drunk it all."

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