chapter twenty-six

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Birmingham, 1919

"Open up for fucks sake!" Isabella groaned as she knocked on the door leading to the betting shop, after knocking continuously on the front door of their home deemed frivolous. "I know someone's in here! There's always someone fucking in here!"

Isabella was not doing okay, at all. She was struggling. She had finished all her required school work. She was on break from university while her other friends weren't on break. The hospital weirdly enough barely had any patients and they had given her the week off.Hatter was sick. Charlie was too busy to keep her entertained.

She was really struggling. Her mental health was at a fucking low. Her thoughts were torturing her to a new level. The last time she was struggling this much, she was in another country, surrounded by her other half. Now she was by herself, in the same place all her nightmares were born. She had absolutely nothing but alcohol and coke to keep her brain busy.

Speaking of coke... she absolutely adored it, probably only slightly less than her love for alcohol. The high she had experienced was magical. The gloomy depressing streets of Small Heath were suddenly lively and colourful and bright.

Only to become dark and gloomy once more as soon as the high wore off. And for the depressing thoughts to rush back at her at unimaginable speeds. And for her mother's voice to haunt her every move.

Alcohol is bad for you. What happened to my little girl? Where did I go wrong with you? Why are you so far gone? Your past should have been a message. That little girl I loved would be so disappointed. I am so disappointed to call you my daughter. You should have learned something from your father.

She sighed in annoyance, letting her head tiredly fall forwards allowing her to close her eyes and lean her forehead on the door. After a couple moments of silence she grumbled out curses at whoever were behind the stupid door, using her head to begin knocking on the door once more.  "Open the door. Open the door. Open. The. Door."

Unfortunately for Isabella she didn't hear the door lock click, so when the door finally opened, she fell face first through the opening and into a solid chest. Tiredly laying her chin on the chest she looked up at the person she was leaning all her weight on.


"Bella girl." Sudboat looked down at the wasted girl leaning on him with pity and disappointment, he had seen her grow up, played with her when she was younger, babysat her even. It was difficult witnessing the young girl with suchpotential waste it. "C'mon, let's get you inside. Eh?"

He kept an arm around her as he assisted her stumbling form through the betting shop towards the table he had been occupying. "What have you done to yourself, girl?"

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