Y/n, Daughter of Eywa

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*Italics= Na'vi Language

"Come, Neytiri, Sylwanin." Mo'at, the Tsahik of the Omaticaya Clan and Mother, ushered on her two children, of 3 and 5 years old.

The two, young, blue Na'vi children followed their Mother further into the forests of Pandora, their home. The sister's giggled and played, pushing and tagging each other, watching the enchanting world around them. Inspecting the plant life, the animals, the illuminating moss under their feet. The three walked further and further away from Home Tree, and the sister's began to realize where their mother was taking them.

"Mother?" Neytiri tugged on her mother's cloth that hung around her waist.

"Yes?" Mo'at raised a brow at her, continuing to walk forward.

"Why are we traveling to the Tree of Soul's?" Sylwanin interrupted her younger sister before she could even open her mouth.

Neytiri frowned at her older sister for a moment, before looking back at their mother. Both of their eye's glistening with curiosity.

"I am bringing you both, because as future Tsahik, and princess's of the Omaticaya Clan. You must learn to listen to all around you and take in the word of Eywa. The All Mother had spoken to me and said there would be a need for us here today." She explained simply and kept at her steady pace.

Both girls looked at each other and their little ears twitched as if to listen to the sounds around them. Only hearing the sounds from the water, and creatures of Pandora. The moss glowed under their feet with every step and shortly within site was a large white tree. A willow tree known as, The Tree of Souls. The children marveled at the tree's beauty and followed their mother in to the flowing white vines that hung low from the great tree.

Mo'at, grabbed her braided hair and some of the vines, attaching them together, allowing communications to flow through her body. The children watched her in amazement, but quickly froze as Mo'at let out a gasp.

"What is it?" They both asked and looked around for any sign of danger.

A small, soft sound carried through the air and Mo'at detached herself from the tree, following after it. Neytiri and Sylwanin followed after her, spreading out to search for the source of the noise. Neytiri, heard the sound become louder and it sounded almost as those it were a baby's cry. She traveled around the base of the tree, running her finger's gently along the bark, closing her eyes and listening to the sounds around her. Voices whispered in her ears and a hole within the tree opened, revealing a small blue Na'vi-an Baby.

"Mother! Mother! I found her!" Neytiri called out. She reached in and grabbed the small child and cuddled her close to her own small body.

"Where was she?" Mo'at asked her quickly and Neytiri pointed inside the tree that started to close back up. Mo'at hummed in curiosity and began chanting, letting her eyes close.

"Can I hold her?" Sylwanin asked of her younger sister.

The baby seemed to squirm in her arms anyway and Neytiri frowned, handing the baby over gently. They both looked and admired the child, while waiting for their mother to finish trying to connect with Eywa.

"From the great gods of the sky." Mo'at gasped suddenly and clutched her chest. She reached down towards her children for the small baby, which they quickly handed over. The babe began to make the soft cries again and she shushed her gently. "She is the Daughter of Eywa, brought upon us to care for and love as our own. To teach and protect, and she will lead us all to victory, as stated in the great Prophecy."

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