Choosing Each Other

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*Italics= Na'vi Language or Jake's Narration of the story.
*Warning- lemony chapter towards the end.

Jake was officially given a warrior head piece and once everyone had their banshees we flew together in formation. Jake on the end, me next to him and Tsu'tey beside me, with the other two beside him. Tsu'tey scowled nearly the whole time at Jake, and he definitely noticed. Jake looked at Tsu'tey, seeing him eyeing me, and allowed a smirk to cross his face. Jake made his banshee come towards mine and flashed his wings at me. I gasped, fakely offended and pursed my lips. Jake smirked at me and I couldn't help but let loose the smile that I tried so hard to hold back. I move Maama towards him doing the same back, making us both laugh.

"Knock it off!" Tsu'tey demanded. I couldn't help but laugh even harder.

The next morning we woke and went to the Banshees resting place.

"I've been thinking about a name." Jake said, knocking into my side gently. I smiled and looked up at him.

"And what is it?" I asked.

"Rangi..." He stated and shrugged slightly. "Means Sky, right? He's blue and remind me of the sky."

"I think it's lovely." I placed my hand gently on his arm.

We called to our Ikran's and they came to our call. We raced to board them and left Home Tree. Flying around was peaceful and so much fun. We circled one another and raced each other. Our Ikran's dove of the side of the cliffs and went straight downward. Racing one another. I knew Jake was going to have his ceremony in the next few days and we likely wouldn't get to spend much alone time together. My dreams had been plaguing me as of recently. There was someplace close to my heart that I wanted to show him. Because I needed to tell him who I truly was eventually.

We flew through the air and hovered over The Tree of Souls. I felt my mother's presence much heavier and present than I had in a while, not having the ability to come here as freely. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, allowing her presence to fill me up. When I opened my eyes I smiled over at Jake who was watching me curiously. I leaned my hand down and showed him in sign that this was The Tree of Souls that I spoke so much about. He nodded in understanding.

"The Tree of Souls. Or Vitraya Ramunong." Grace explained to Jake, viewing the video footage he had taken earlier during our flight. "It's their most sacred place. See the Flux Vortex in these false color images?"

"Yeah, that's what messes up my instruments." Trudy chuckled.

"There is something really interesting going on in there biologically." Grace relayed in amazement. "I would die to get samples. Outsider's are strictly forbidden. You lucky swine."

Jake sat at the computer the next morning uploading his latest video log, with Trudy behind him. He had a change of heart and was beginning to regret his decision to engage with Selfridge and Quaritch.

"Is that thing done downloading yet?" Trudy asked. She looked out the window to see Grace and Norm coming back inside from their excursion. "They're coming back... If we don't give them something. He's gonna shut us down." Trudy told Jake grimly. The down load completed and Jake reluctantly pulled out the drive and handed it to Trudy. "We're buying time, Jake." She sighed, after seeing his reaction.

"I was a stone cold aerial hunter. Death from above. Only problem is, you're not the only one."

Jake and I were flying again as we had been for the past few days. This time going on hunts while riding our banshees. Jake was doing extremely well. We were honestly having the time of our lives together. Up until I noticed the Last Shadow occur over us. I knew instantly it was Toruk and I yelped over at Jake in warning.

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