Waiting for a Sign

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*Italics= Na'vi Language or Jake's Narration of the Story

Jake's consciousness traveled through the machinery and entered his Avatar. His eyes opened slowly, revealing his extremely blurry vision. He could hear the monitors beeping around him, the respirator making breathing noises in air. Two figures came into view, and his sight began to focus, allowing him to see the two scientists.

"He's in." The woman said as she realized he was coherent. "Jake, can you hear me? Can you hear me, Jake?"

The other male scientist flashed a light in his eyes, receiving appropriate response from them. Jake's Avatar ears flickered as she spoke.

"Pupillary Reflex is good."

"Pinnacle response is normal. How you feeling, Jake?" She asked.

"Hey, guys." Jake smiled up at the doctors.

"Welcome to your new body, Jake." The Male tech chuckled.

Jake lifted his hands and moved his fingers and wrists with ease.

"Good!" The Female tech said.

"We're gonna take this nice and easy, Jake." The Male tech replied to him with a easy smile.

"And touch your thumb to your fingers." Another Male tech stood in the room, instructing Norm, who was also in his Avatar body. He sat up on the bed next to Jake's.

"Yeah." He nodded and did so with ease. "No problem."

"That's good. I can see you remember that one." The tech chuckled.

Jake started to sit up quickly as he gained more feeling in his body.

"Well, if you want to sit up, that's fine." The Female tech nodded.
"Okay, good. Just take it nice and slow, Jake." The Male tech reminded him. Jake began to move his feet easily and that amazed him. It had been so long since he felt his legs. "Okay, well, no truncle ataxia, that's good."

"Are you feeling lightheaded or dizzy at all?" The female tech asked. But Jake was far to focused on his feet. He sighed in relaxed relief. "You're wiggling your toes." She cheered excitedly for him.

"Good, Jake. That's really good. Distal motor control is good. Good, Jake." The Male nodded at him approvingly.
"Are you feeling any numbness or pain?" The Female tech asked him another question.

Jake still refused any of their questions, much to fascinated with having his feet and legs back. He moved them around and over the edge of the bed, feeling the cool floor beneath his bare feet. He sighed in content as the doctors looked at him a bit concerned.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." The Female tech said.

"Hold on, now." The Male tech said. "Take it easy. Don't get ahead of yourself, okay? There's a few more sensory motor reflex tests we need to run, so take it easy." The Tech looked down to grab something and Jake ignored their warnings, standing to his feet, wobbling slightly.

"Ooo! Wait!" The Female shrieked. "Jake!"

"Jake, sit down! Jake! Jake, listen to me."

"Whoa, Jake!"

The both exclaimed as he wobbled.

"Whoa." Max said looking up from his tablet, seeing Jake off the table.

"I need you to sit down. Jake!" The Male called up to him.

"It's okay." The Female assured him, trying anything to get him back down. But Jake's tail swung around and knocked into her.

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