A Living Demon

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I flew on Kai'ora over the skies between the Hallelujah Mountain's. I had felt a strange connection form between myself and the forest. It was unlike anything I had ever felt before. It wasn't worrisome, but it was strange. It was almost like I could feel my Mother trying to connect with me, but was much to weak for some reason. I took in a deep breath of air, closing my eyes and taking in our surroundings. Kai'ora squawked and I opened my eyes slowly.

Neteyam flashed his wings at us with a small laugh and I narrowed my eyebrows. A small smirk came to the corner of my mouth and I cawed at Kai'ora. She lowered down and nearly came to a stop underneath my son. I looked up at my husband who had a giant smile on his face. Neteyam looked all around himself for me. Kai'ora and I flew backwards taking cover in the clouds. I cawed at her again, telling her to fly around. She flew up into the sky and quickly dove back downward. While we were upside down and my fingers trailed over Neteyam's hair.

He jumped slightly and both boys began laughing.

    "Mom!" Neteyam laughed. "We're supposed to be spotting."

    "Oh, don't be so stiff like your Father." I chuckled as I evened out between them.

    "Hey." Jake frowned, making us both laugh.

    "It's okay to be free and have some fun. As long as you do it carefully." I explained and Neteyam smiled at me with a small nod.

    "Devil Dog, Devil Dog, this is Eagle Eye, over." Lo'ak's voice carried through Jake's Com link around his neck.

Jake and I both looked at each other concerned. He reached up towards his neck to respond.

    "Eagle Eye. Send your traffic." Jake responded.

    "I've got eyes on some guys." Lo'ak mentioned.

My heart began to thump a little harder inside my chest. The humans had gotten close to our cave? How?

    "They look like Avatar's, but they're in full cameo and carrying AR's." Lo'ak explained further. "There's six of them. Over."

Jake and I looked at each other once again with frowns. Kai'ora and I began to fly a little faster, with more haste, as did Jake and Neteyam.

    "Where are they?" I asked quickly still frowning.

    "What's your Pos? Over." Jake asked our son.

    "Uhm..." Lo'ak paused. "We're at the old shack..."

    "Who's we?" Jake questioned.

Neteyam and I carried similar looks of concern hearing Lo'ak.

    "Me... Spider, Kiri... And Tuk." Lo'ak said knowingly with a sigh.

My heart raced against my chest and I gasped out loud. Each of my children and Spider were in danger. My Son and two daughters, including my baby Tuk. She was much to young to be able to defend herself in such a dangerous situation. Lo'ak's recklessness likely to have led them there. But I couldn't blame much of his curiosity. He got that from me. Now I know how my parents felt when I went wandering off...

    "Get them back at once." I hissed.

    "Son, you listen to me very carefully." Jake relayed. "You pull back right now. Do not make a sound. You get the hell out of there. Move! You copy?"

    "Yes, sir. Moving out." Lo'ak replied.

    "See, I told you." I heard Kiri whisper before Lo'ak let go of the button.

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