Eywa Has Heard You

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The people on the ground were surrounded at all angles and the fight began. We soared down through the air towards the ships. We bared our teeth and I hooted back to my team, raising our bows and began letting arrows fly through the air, towards the engines. Toruk and Jake, grabbed the tail of a helicopter and began to swing it around, making it lose control into the side of one of the mountains and explode.

I sat up on Maama, raising my bow and shooting an arrow straight into the windshield glass, taking out the pilot, making the vehicle begin to spin towards the ground. I let out a warrior cry and so did my people behind me. Ikran's were landing all over the hovering aircrafts, making them lose control and destroying themselves fairly quickly.

"All aircraft, weapons free! Weapons free!" Quaritch commanded his team.

The warriors on the ground were met with heavy gunfire, but the rode forward and began to fight the human people.

"Break formation, engage all hostiles." Quaritch demanded.

The formation of the ships began to break apart and flying after us on the Ikran's. Their weapons shooting towards us without aim. And yet they still were making progress.

Jake and Toruk grabbed another helicopter and swung it around, tossing it into another, making the two explode. He let out a yell and lifted the gun in his hands and began to shoot at another, taking out the pilot through the glass. He cheered in victory, while moving on to the next.

Maama and I flew around one of the bigger ships and I raised my bow at the people on the loading door, screaming as I let my arrow fly. It went right through the chest of one of the gunmen.

The bullets flew through the air on the ground, some striking into Norm's Direhorse and making him get tossed off as they both fell to the ground. He quickly stood back up to his feet and raised the gun in his hands, shooting at the humans while he began to retreat backwards for cover.

"Scorpions, purse and destroy." Quaritch said.

Large missiles started firing at us all, blowing the riders and Ikran's against the mountains and killing them. The loss of life was killing me on the inside, but I needed to push through and focus. Some of the helicopters dove downward and began to light up missiles towards the ground warriors. Explosions rang through the air as they began to retreat. Fires catching from the blasts, only making the pain worse.

"Jake! Jake! You copy?" Norm called out through his com. "We're falling back! We're getting hammered!"

"Copy. Get out of there!" Jake replied.

Jake looked up and could see the largest of the ships fly around the corner. He knew immediately that Quaritch was on that ship and began to steer Toruk away. Quaritch indeed saw him and anger raised through him, making the veins pop out of his neck.

"That's him! Get after him!"

Explosions followed after Jake as he soared through the sky, swerving back and forth to be avoided.

I flew downward and quickly glanced behind me to see a helicopter on my tail. Maama flew side to side in wide ranges to avoid the bullet fire that rained down on us.

"Take him out!" Quaritch screamed at the pilot. But he quickly looked up in the air as bullets rained down on his ship. Trudy and her helicopter that was painted blue, so not to get confused, flew over them firing bullets of her own. Her ship squared up with the Colonels.

"Oops." She smirked.

"Light her up!" Quaritch growled.

Trudy waited for a moment and quickly swerved her helicopter to the side, avoiding the bullets and missiles that began to fly her way. She used some of the floating mountains as cover and when she had a clear shot she took it, firing multiple rounds into the main shuttle. Bullets began hitting the windshield.

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